Ham Radio Deluxe with CAT cable interface and audio cable to YAESU FT897D.From Air port.
Video Rating: 0 / 5
Ham Radio Deluxe with CAT cable interface and audio cable to YAESU FT897D.From Air port.
Video Rating: 0 / 5
By Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU
Contributing Editor
This week, Surfin’ visits a website that is the host for thousands of free software applications.
SourceForge warehouses free and open source software.
It has competitors, but SourceForge was the first to offer a free centralized location for developers to control and manage open source software development. SourceForge is the host for approximately one-…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Ham Radio Deluxe with CAT cable interface and audio cable to YAESU FT897D. Radio Amateurs on 14.347.500 mage Hertz.
Sunspot activity continued to drop until early this week: The average daily sunspot numbers were 26.3, down more than 58 points from last week’s numbers, while the average daily solar flux declined to 92.8, down over 33 points from last week’s average. The weekly sunspot number average has declined since the May 31-June 6 period, when it was 130.4, followed by 116.1 the next week, 84.6 the next…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Hallo liebe Amateurfunkfreunde! Dieses Video zeigt die Antennen der österreichischen Amateurfunk – Station OE6WTF
Video Rating: 5 / 5
DXpedition to Märket Reef and Aland Islands was a test drive of field day and camping equipment. Total of 1057 QSOs were made on five bands on SSB, RTTY and PSK. I had no support staff during my journey, even food was prepared by me in the tent. Thanks to: RA3ZSQ UA3ZUX RN3ZSV R6DD UT2EZ RA9CJJ OH2EC A65BU IQ1CN RU9CY UA9CUA UA4PF UY7IB 9A1CBA RZ4LA UR5EQ RM9WG UN7MMM OH3JKV More reports: oh2fnz.com oh2fnz.com oh2fnz.com
DXpedition to Märket Reef and Aland Islands was a test drive of field day and camping equipment. Total of 1057 QSOs were made on five bands on SSB, RTTY and PSK. I had no support staff during my journey, even food was prepared by me in the tent. Thanks to: RA3ZSQ UA3ZUX RN3ZSV R6DD UT2EZ RA9CJJ OH2EC A65BU IQ1CN RU9CY UA9CUA UA4PF UY7IB 9A1CBA RZ4LA UR5EQ RM9WG UN7MMM OH3JKV More reports: oh2fnz.com oh2fnz.com oh2fnz.com
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For many radio amateurs, the NTIA (National Telecommunications and Information Administration) seems akin to the NSA (No Such Agency). Most of us have vaguely heard a few bits and pieces about the NTIA, but have no real idea what it is, or what it does. In reality, most radio amateurs have no official interaction with the NTIA, but many of us have dealings with the NTIA in our professional care…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Very narrow looking JT65A signal. I’ve never seen it look like this before so I decided to record it. I suggest watching it in full screen
Video Rating: 0 / 5
The next antenna some like it and some hate it. I have here also a Sirio Hi Power 4000 and think the new 5000 has a slight edge on the 4000. Made in Italy and can come with different coax if and when you want to drive it hard with more power then choose the other option. Bandwidth is on mine something like 180 channels with good swr and then another 20 or so with the limits of the bandwidth being pushed. It is a heavy antenna and can handle on the power side 1.5kw continuous and 5kw now and then but not solid. Antenna is built fine and is excellent working as the next video here will show.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
If you’re an ARRL Volunteer Examiner, take note: The ARRL has recently introduced new apparel and supply items just for you. Choose between a new black polo-style shirt (sizes S-4XL) or a white long-sleeved button down shirt (sizes S-3XL), each embroidered with the ARRL diamond logo and “Volunteer Examiner” on left chest. Wear your VE badge on the new ARRL VE lanyard. This stylish white lanyard…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
This video shows the teamwork of a ham radio (amateur radio) group in Brazil, to put in the air the new tower in the PY2RMI House. It was a great opportunity to get everybody together. In the video you can see the construction of the towers base, the assembling of the tower and the antenna installation. Tks all !!! Este vídeo mostra o time de Radio Amadores de Valinhos instalando a nova torre de PY2RMI na cidade de Valinhos SP, Obrigado a todos !!! Radio amador, radioamador PY
yes, i am aware that its dark. but this was a fun project. i wish i had gotten more footage than just the final product, but my hands were full helping him out. if you love amateur radio, this video is your heaven.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
HAM RADIO 2012 in Friedrichshafen, Germany — held June 22-24 — is billed as Europe’s biggest Amateur Radio exhibition. Held annually in the Lake Constance region, this is the 37th international Amateur Radio exhibition and the 63nd Lake Constance Convention of Radio Amateurs, sponsored by the German Amateur Radio Club (DARC), which gave rise to the fair.
As part of the Lake Constance Conventi…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
List Price: $ 0.99
Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B0016ITQZU”]
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Richard “Dick” Baldwin, W1RU, of Damariscotta, Maine, passed away on Thursday, June 21, after a long struggle with Parkinson’s Disease. He was 92. An ARRL Charter Life Member, Baldwin capped a long career on the ARRL staff with service as General Manager from 1975 until his retirement in 1982. He served as Secretary of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) from 1976-1982. After retiremen…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Some cool Skywarn images:
Image by Samuel Morris
Image by Samuel Morris
What do flagpoles, fences and tomato plants have in common? They can all be used to hide an amateur radio antenna! More and more amateurs are having to deal with neighborhood restrictions or zoning ordinances which place limits on antennas or even ban them completely! Hidden Ham Antennas details many practical high frequency and VHF/UHF antennas you can hide or disguise so you can still enjoy all the on-air time you want. Also covers antenna tuners, grounds, counterpoises and numerous tips
List Price: $ 12.95
Price: [wpramaprice asin=”093665354X”]
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Find More Ham Antenna Products
By Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU
Contributing Editor
This week, Surfin’ gets ready for ARRL Field Day and ISS pass-overs.
NASA introduced their all-new NASA app for iPhone and iPod Touch. It is the “first major redesign” of the app since 2009.
Being a long-time fan of what goes on in the outer space, I downloaded this free app as soon as I learned of its existence and I have not been disappointed.
For ham r…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
The ARRL’s Intro video! Enoy! Sign up here: arrl.webs.com Places To Reach Me At: The ARRL: arrl.webs.com My GT: DMP996 2011NascarMan’s Website: 2011nascarman.webs.com Facebook Page: www.facebook.com Twitter Page: twitter.com
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Korey–W3TUA–makes sure his QRP (low power) amateur radio station is ready for the ARRL CW Sweepstakes contest start. The equipment used is the Ten-Tec R-4020 2-band QRP transceiver, N1MM contest logging software, K1EL WinKeyer, Begali CW paddles, and the Emtech ZM-2 antenna tuning unit. This station runs 5 watts into a homebrewed 1/4-wave vertical antenna with 5 radials.
Sunspot numbers seemed to be in a free-fall this week: The average daily sunspot numbers declined more than 29 points to 87, while the average daily solar flux fell 6.2 points to 126.2. Sunspot numbers for June 14-20 were 114, 113, 110, 96, 66, 64 and 46, with a mean of 87. The 10.7 cm flux was 148.6, 144.9, 134.5, 124, 118, 109.9 and 103.7, with a mean of 126.2. The estimated planetary A indic…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
How to use Ham Radio Deluxe to track Ham Radio Nation awards.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Ham Radio Deluxe with CAT cable interface and audio cable to YAESU FT897D on 27.555.00 USB.
Video Rating: 0 / 5
The former Amateur Radio Emergency Communications (AREC) series of three levels of emergency communications courses has been reconfigured into two new courses: An introductory course for radio amateurs who want to volunteer to provide services for public service and emergency communications, and a course for leaders and managers who are responsible for training and coordinating response efforts…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
SilveRado(tm) VR004D-CZ2 Verado Sterling Silver Heart Cubic Zirconia Apr Bead / Charm crafted in 925 Sterling Silver Dimensions: Width: 13.50 mm Length: 23.50 mm. Finejewelers Style Number: VR004D-CZ2.
List Price: $ 100.00
Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B0053GVXOS”]
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[wprebay kw=”aprs” num=”0″ ebcat=”-1″] [wprebay kw=”aprs” num=”1″ ebcat=”-1″]
Check out these Yaesu images:
softbankshop yaesu , again
Image by hirotomo
softbank shop yaesu
Image by hirotomo
This is a little project that i have been thinking about building for awhile now, this is a VHF and UHF antenna tuner / matcher. This item well help you tune a random rubber duckie, outside antenna, or just a whip so your scanner well be able to RX better then it could before, depending on the coil used and just as many taps on it, you can fine tune a antenna perfectly to your scanner radio. I built this tuner and tested it on the bench with my Uniden Bearcat BC-796D 25-1300mhz scanning reciever.
Thoughts and Modifications of mine on the Vectronics VC-300M 300 Watt Mobile antenna tuner.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
By H. Ward Silver, N0AX
You’ll have to work extra hard on this quiz because it’s not a “multiple guess.” Some answers may require a little calculation, some may require exercising the memory banks — and all will require a little head scratching.
1. Where would you tune for a signal that has the same numeric value of frequency in MHz and wavelength in meters?
2. In Hawaii, KH6, to whi…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
DX-Pedition to Hanoi Vietnam 1988 3W8DX – 3W8CW By HA5PP, HA5MY, HA5WA, HA5BBC We made more than 63000 contacts and took participate on CQ-WW DX SSB / CW and Japan DX contests
Video Rating: 0 / 5
Paul M3XPR gives a brief introduction to VSWR and describes how to measure it and how an ATU could be usfull.
Video Rating: 3 / 5
The Yasme Foundation currently offers two awards. The Yasme Award, in the form of a handsome plaque, is offered to those radio amateurs who submit proof of 30 QSOs with Yasme officials and DXpeditions that have at least one Yasme official as a participant. The Yasme Supreme Award is in the form of a representation of the YASME boat used by Danny Weil in his around-the-world DXpedition. It is av…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
iz4ipu,davide, in qso con oslo,stazione portatile sulle colline piacentine,yaesu ft857 e canna da pesca
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Last winter, the ARRL UHF/Microwave Band Plan Committee asked the Amateur Radio community about current, planned and projected uses of the Amateur bands between 902 MHz and 3.5 GHz. The excellent level of response provided us with the basis to complete drafts of the 9 cm, 13 cm and 33 cm revised band plans for ARRL Board approval. The Committee has now prepared for your consideration a draft ba…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Deeds and building permits for June 18, 2012
H.F. Walker to George R. Zippel. Lot 14, section 2, New Bethel Estates, Pedlar District, $ 95000. » Federal National Mortgage Association to Lashica and James …
Read more on Lynchburg News and Advance
Codan Launches Envoy(TM) High Frequency, Software-Defined Radio
"The Codan Envoy is now the most advanced commercial HF radio in the … A true digital radio, the Envoy offers scalable solutions for mobile, deployed and …
Read more on MarketWatch (press release)
A few nice ARRL images I found:
Dad’s Radiogram
Image by michaelstyne
Sent via the NTS; eventually delivered to pops by K2ABX — why it was sent West, I’m not sure.
Roan Mountain Trail
Image by digilink
Mike, N4OFA
Image by digilink
By Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU
Contributing Editor
This week, Surfin’ demonstrates how ham radio can be a tricky, but well worth it.
Tricking Out A USB TV Tuner
I have been exploring the world of experimenters who have been combining inexpensive USB TV tuners with Software Designed Radio (SDR) technology to come up with inexpensive SDR receivers.
This is a hot subject. There is a lot of stuff on topic on …
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
List Price: $ 479.99
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Related JT65 Products
Solar activity was lower this week, although for the past few days, both the sunspot numbers and solar flux were rising. The average daily sunspot numbers declined more than 14.3 points to 116.1, while the average daily solar flux was off by 14.5 points to 115.9. There were five new sunspot groups this week: two each on June 9-10, and one more on June 13. Sunspot numbers for June 7-13 were 98, …
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Heavy Duty Lip Edge Mount For 3-8/24 Thread Ham Amateur & CB Antennas!
Can Bet set for Antenna in vertical position regardless of installed lip angle.
Complete wirh 16.5ft cable assembly & PL-259 connector on radio end of cable.
List Price: $ 49.98
Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B0041WPXKA”]
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List Price: $ 20.00
Price: [wpramaprice asin=”1872309151″]
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Related HF Antenna Products
Using the VFO on my Yaesu FT-857D. 14mhz – 20m hamband. This is just a test-upload
Video Rating: 2 / 5
Of course, it goes without saying that this isnt the best method to do mobile HF without permanently securing the radio. The radio is being held in place by rubber grip pad. However, since I do much traveling in rental vehicles, this is the risk I take to enjoy mobile HF. But am mindful of the laws of inertia if I slam the breaks! Thank you Mr. Newton.
By ARRL Youth Editor Sterling Coffey, N0SSC
As I wrote about in last month’s column, everyone finds his or her own niche in Amateur Radio. It can be as simple as having an mobile rig in the car that you might turn on every once in a while, doing nothing but listen to numbers stations or regularly working the Amateur Radio satellites, or “birds.” For me, I find fun in everything!
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Homemade setup with Arrow II satellite tracking antenna and tripod with 2 handheld radios.
N2TEB & K2FR working the SSB satellites on Friday the 26th of November 2010 Using a TS-2000 radio, and an arrow antenna on battery power portable we worked a few contacts on the SSB Satelites FO-29 and AO-7
Logbook of the World (LoTW) is currently unavailable while the Logbook system undergoes unscheduled maintenance. This shutdown is in response to an issue that arose on late Tuesday afternoon with the Logbook database. The Logbook team expects service to be restored by 8 PM EDT this evening (0000 UTC, June 14). The ARRL apologizes for any inconvenience this outage may have caused.
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Shielded networks cut down on electro-magnetic interference (EMI), which can result from cables being run close to high-voltage power lines, fluorescent lights, and other causes. In order for a network to be shielded, the cable, the jack, and the connector on the cable must all be shielded. Shielded Ethernet Keystone Jacks on ShowMeCables.com: goo.gl Products used in this video: Shielded Jack – 15-167 Punch-down tool – 3539.1 TL – goo.gl Standard Patch Panel – 15-175-012 – goo.gl Shielded Cat5e Cable – MPS24A4CM5E BK-FT – goo.gl Shielded Ethernet Cable – 510-01 BK – goo.gl
On June 6, President Barack Obama announced that he will nominate Mignon Clyburn for a new term as one of five FCC Commissioners. Clyburn, a Democrat, came to the Commission in August 2009, filling the unexpired term of Republican Deborah Taylor Tate, whose tenure as a Commissioner came to a close in January 2009 when the Senate failed to confirm her nomination. Clyburn’s current term expires J…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Stranded woman rescued from dinghy after pilot overhears distress …
Stranded woman rescued from dinghy after pilot overhears distress call. STV 25 … However, listening in on the frequency was a Royal Navy helicopter pilot who …
Read more on stv.tv
Respect for Water Cuts Risk of Drowning
If the statistics took into account the frequency of exposure to swimming … and still others thought the victim was faking distress or “playing around” underwater.
Read more on New York Times (blog)
State Digest
Prosecutors say Berry admitted he called for help on the maritime distress frequency in November 2010, claiming there were three people on board his sinking …
Read more on San Francisco Chronicle
The year 2012 represents One Hundred Years of the Wireless Institute being established in the State of Queensland, Australia. To celebrate this wonderful milestone, the Queensland Advisory Committee of Wireless Institute of Australia has organized a special Centenary call sign, VK100WIQ.
The Centenary call sign will be on air from June 1 through July 31, 2012, on all the HF bands as well as VH…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Myself and friends were experimenting QRP in Sussex when we had a nice suprise on 5 watts.
Clip 6/7 Speaker: Malaysian Amateur Radio Emergency Service MARES 1. Introduction to Amateur Radio, History of Ham Radio in Malaysia 2. APRS Introduction 3. Communication with ISS, the amateur radio way 4. Emergency Communication For more information go to: bit.ly
Clip 7/7 Speaker: Malaysian Amateur Radio Emergency Service MARES 1. Introduction to Amateur Radio, History of Ham Radio in Malaysia 2. APRS Introduction 3. Communication with ISS, the amateur radio way 4. Emergency Communication For more information go to: bit.ly
A few nice ICOM images I found:
Image by Axel Schwenke
Icom R75 Camping
Image by LilGuyBigEarth
WPARC Sponsored video featured at May 2008 club meeting of setting up and controlling your radio via the internet. To find out mo WPARC Sponsored video featured at May 2008 club meeting of setting up and controlling your radio via the internet. To find out more about the Western Placer Amateur Radio Club go to www.wparc.org.
Digital modes heard on the 11 meter freeband.