This is my “ham station in a bag”. It’s the Yaesu FT-817ND and everything I need to get on the air whether in the shack, mobile, portable in a park or backpacking. 73-W8AQ
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 replies
  1. n9ohw
    n9ohw says:

    Nice go-pack, Jack. The FT-817 is a great rig. If you haven’t tried satellites with it in the field, you should try. It’s easy and fun. Were you ever on WTTW Chicago? 73, Mike N9OHW

  2. w8aq
    w8aq says:

    Thanks for the comment. Yes indeed, the 817 is well worth the investment. Hope you can find a deal on one soon.

  3. w8aq
    w8aq says:

    Interesting you mention it. I’ve been thinking I need to do a shot at satellite work with it. Maybe in a weekend or two down the road. Never at WTTW (though you might have heard me on some programs they aired). Take care es 73.

  4. rahulkapoor112
    rahulkapoor112 says:

    Hi Jack,

    This is VU2YK. Great go pack. I just bought an FT-817ND, with 5Ah Ni-MH battery pack, and plan to go packing back home in New Delhi. I am on a visit to US did a bit of portable with it from Bethesda/Md. I wonder wha’s the model of the Lowepro bag that you have used ? Or any other bag suggestions ?


  5. w8aq
    w8aq says:

    Hi Rahul. The bag is a Sling Shot 200 AW. Has worked great for me so far. Perfect size and compartmented out for my needs. Good luck es 73.
    Jack W8AQ

  6. Radiation8
    Radiation8 says:

    How would you say the Rcvr is as far as HF goes? For SW work? I am really wanting one, and if I was just using the Rcvr how long do you think in internal battery would last?

  7. deeptext
    deeptext says:

    Very nice. I especially liked the one-hand video work. I can see that you can slim down the weight if you want to carry it around a bit.

  8. goathiker
    goathiker says:

    Nice informative video clip Jack! Maybe we’ll catch on the air someday! 73, Rooster & Peanut …wGØAT (ex NØTU)

  9. markbeermonster
    markbeermonster says:

    Great Video there
    I’m going to keep my eye open for one of those bags as I have nearly exactly the same setup here
    the 817, the z100 etc
    Keep the videos coming Jack

  10. helraiser666painkil
    helraiser666painkil says:

    waste of money get a YAESU FT-857D like me or a YAESU FT-897D the’ve got twice the power and preformance a lot better I find 5watts to me is just not enough why do that with a YAESU FT-817 when you could buy the radios above for around the same price which have twice the power and preformance just a waste of money I think. YAESU FT-817 had one and didn’t like it 1 the screen was too small and 2 the power was too low as well and 3 on hf the higher power operaters squashed you like a bug.

  11. KI4YAP
    KI4YAP says:

    I have operated QRP with an 817ND since I got my General. My record from my QTH is 1500 mi so far (PSK31). I have made several SSB contacts at 800-600 miles with no problem using a resonant buddy-stick. I also agree that most stations on the waterfall will override your signal at 5 watts. Nevertheless, my objective is portability… so, the 817ND is a keeper and I would not consider it a waste of money.

    73 – KI4YAP

  12. monstersdoexist
    monstersdoexist says:

    helraiser666, everyone is titled to their own opinion of the 817 and obviously, you had a bad experience with yours. You cannot deny the versatility of the 817 with all the options and bands available. Being from Florida, I will certainly put my faith in the 817 in times of disaster or hurricane power outages. If I were concerned about being stepped on by other operators, I would have given up Ham Radio years ago. After all, it is just a hobby.

  13. aeonios
    aeonios says:

    Hellraiser666 I have worked numerous dxccs with my ft-817s and most of them were either mobile or portable pedestrian during the latest years of very low solar activity. As far as I am concerned the beauty of the hobby is not about being a big gun and get senseless 59s or 40 db over 9 but about making the impossible a reality. Just search for my videos on youtube,,,,73 de sv1eex – Nik

  14. N1YRK
    N1YRK says:

    Thanks for sharing your go-bag setup. I am new to HFpacking and have similar gear: tuner, radio, antenna, filter, compressor, battery, charger. But I might suggest that you don’t carry around so much paper with you. If you get a PDA you can keep manuals, QSLs, scheds, and even use it for PSK31 / MFSK16. The only problem I find is the same as I find with all electronics – blinded by the sun. I am hoping an something like the Kindle becomes adaptable for ham radio use.

  15. peterkim1999
    peterkim1999 says:

    Where can I buy those CW paddles, I’ve been looking online and have not found the ones that look like the ones shown on this video.

    Thanks & 73

  16. KF5NTJ
    KF5NTJ says:

    Wow, I am impressed with your rig 🙂 As a brand-new ham, I am really interested in ‘manpack’ing as my primary mode of amateur radio use. -73 KF5NTJ


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