A not so short video on what amateur radio (aka ham radio) is all about. I tell you how to get started in the hobby and show you around my ham shack. If you have questions about ham radio feel free to ask. If I get enough questions I may do a follow up video. Sites worth checking out: www.arrl.org www.arrl.org www.arrl.org Places to study to become a ham: www.qrz.com www.hamradiolicenseexam.com Ham radio Youtube channels: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com Thanks for taking the time to watch. 73s Jay

25 replies
  1. DivineFrog89
    DivineFrog89 says:

    I’m only halfway through watching this video and I felt I had to comment that this is hands-down the most informative video I’ve found so far on youtube. I am seriously considering starting out and this is a great vid, thanks man.

  2. thomasvtown
    thomasvtown says:

    This video is full of useful information. I am just entering the world of amateur radio and I found this so helpful. Thank you for making this Video!!!

  3. theartistsvlog
    theartistsvlog says:

    Thanks for posting. 🙂 Just got a 2 meter/440 handy talkie today after 6 years of NOT being on the waves. (TECH) Can’t wait to grow …I smell a General in my near future! Glad to be back ! 73’s. Thanks again!

  4. dighsx
    dighsx says:

    @DivineFrog89 Glad you enjoyed the video. I hope you get your ham license. I can’t tell ya how much fun I’ve had being a ham. Met some great people and had some great times.

    All the best,

  5. dighsx
    dighsx says:

    @thomasvtown Thanks for watching and commenting. Go get your amateur radio license. You’ll be glad you did. It’s handy to have and a heck of a lot of fun.

    Take care,

  6. stuartfmasterson
    stuartfmasterson says:

    This is a great video, you know a video is great when you are watching it for 20mins and don’t think is it over yet. no matter where in the world you are, it gives you a sense of what ham radio is about and what’s involved. Thanks for this video

  7. dighsx
    dighsx says:

    @stuartfmasterson I’m glad you enjoyed it. I did my best trying to stuff as much information as I could in as short of time as I could.

    All the best,

  8. ritanovel
    ritanovel says:

    Your video helped to clarify a lot of questions for me, and so I’m signed up to start technician classes this week with the local club. Thanks!

  9. tommylehman
    tommylehman says:

    Very interesting video. I found this just messing around. Why do people still do amateur radio given the availability of the internet, cell phones, sat phones, websites like youtube, facebook, etc.?

  10. ARedMustang
    ARedMustang says:

    @tommylehman Great question! I asked myself that question, but I got interested in the hobby. I just got done watching a video hosted by Walter Cronkite, SK (watch?v=5Z9136_Nhh4).


  11. dighsx
    dighsx says:

    @tommylehman Wow that’s a big question. The short answer is because it’s fun. The longer answer is because it’s fun and a great skill to have. To me there’s nothing quite like the excitement of talking to someone on the other side of the globe using something you’ve built, a bit of wire and less power then it takes to run a flashlight.

    All the best,

  12. dighsx
    dighsx says:

    @ritanovel Glad the video helped answer some questions. Good luck with the class, I’m sure you’re going to do great.

    Hope to work ya on the air someday.

    All the best and 73s,


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