This is my new Storm Chasing Vehicle
Video Rating: 3 / 5

severe weather moved into the area again today but these storms fell apart before they got over populated areas of northern colorado. It was fun to watch them and get some rain and small hail.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

8 replies
  1. MSSRL
    MSSRL says:

    whats your fcc call sign, who do you report to? team siv is a okay name but close to the tiv isnt it. nice vehicle hope you went with a davis for weather and i recommend an icom 208h or a yaesu 8900 but great video none the less.

  2. chrisjsevers
    chrisjsevers says:

    Hey do you have to take a test after you take the skywarn class to pass? I’m looking into take the training class next month. Also I was wondering once your skywarn are you allowed to use the amber flashing beacons like if you are pulled over calling something in? Thanks!

  3. airplane75
    airplane75 says:

    There is no test. you just have to take the class and the pretty much it really. and the lights, lol when i was just like you i was asking the same Q! that’s funny. No one really seems to know. i have even stop a police officer and he didn’t seem to give a yes or no answer so, yes, us them at your own risk. sorry i could be more help. anything else just ask.

  4. Hypnosisforyou7
    Hypnosisforyou7 says:

    man word of advice…You should trade that in for an older one…Because..I got into a situation chasing this month on May 1st…I was chasing a tornado warned supercell in NE Oklahoma…and It was a HP Supercell..If we were in a car like yours we would have been swept of the road from the rain flooding the road..Luckily we were in a high riding car so we were able to back up and get out of the mess..not to mention I dont know how your gonna feel when the hails come down

  5. ymbalnator93
    ymbalnator93 says:

    Any person can use amber, white and green lights (at least in Ohio you can use green.) Amber is the only safe bet to use ANYWHERE. 


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