The Real World Of Ham Radio

The Real World Of Ham Radio. (I welcome low ratings by hams-to be thought an ass by an ass is a compliment) Burt appears before W1AW to expose more truths ab…
Video Rating: 3 / 5

25 replies
  1. burt2481
    burt2481 says:

    @mike2ka I did not suggest I should be President of the ARRL, another ham
    made up the joke picture and sent it to me and I posted it. As I say to my
    students I hate the wortd sorry, because if I punched you in the nose and
    then said “sorrY”, that would not fix it. Sorry is not doing it again, yet
    you continue to toss out insults after “sorry.”

  2. Pleun Vermeulen
    Pleun Vermeulen says:

    I like this one better than the other critical ham videos Burt (and like
    the radio / hike trip videos even better!). You got some valid points here.
    The bottom line I guess is: ham radio is about experimenting and personal
    contacts. Just act normal, don’t try to make it more than it really is. I
    totally agree. Keep it up!

  3. brontoab1
    brontoab1 says:

    A sport is something you play? Is playing cards a sport? Is playing video
    games a sport? You don’t get excersize playing those, I don’t think most
    people would consider playing cards a sport. However, fishing is a sport
    and you don’t get exercise fishing! Now I don’t know if there is such a
    thing as radio “sport” but there are definetly ways of getting exercise
    while doing ham radio. You are just a very narrowminded individual!

  4. 69furball69
    69furball69 says:

    You seem fairly experienced as a ham; you should know that just because YOU
    can hear a person trying to make contact, doesn’t mean that the person
    calling DX can hear the person trying to respond, this is pretty basic
    propagation fundamentals.

  5. 69furball69
    69furball69 says:

    @burt2481 My point was that just because YOU and the responder can HEAR the
    caller doesn’t mean he can HEAR the responder. That’s all I said, you can
    read whatever you want into it. There are several reasons why a caller may
    not be able to hear a responder.

  6. N1AKN
    N1AKN says:

    I never knew you made so many videos but Im glad I skimmed through a number
    before bumping into this one , love it too ! But whassup with YouTube
    censoring some of your videos ? I want to see the onea bout rude AM’ers !
    How bout the rude 2Mssb’ers ? If you dont have at least a pair of stacked
    10’s and 500 watts , they treat you like a novice . Keep up the great work
    , hope to talk to you some day on the radio , maybe on our next trip to
    Cape . Jeff N1AKN see my website

  7. burt2481
    burt2481 says:

    @brontoab1 You don’t get exercise fishing? The boat loads itself, carries
    itself out to the dock, hauling in a big fish is not exercise? Fishermen
    wait for their catch to hop in the boat? There a few ways of getting
    exercise in ham radio, most hams though sit on their butts cackeling.

  8. pioneerz450
    pioneerz450 says:

    “or off-topic” “provoking readers into an emotional response” that is what
    you do when you say their hobby sucks, and that it’s full of idiots. And
    sure, not everyone has all the indians in their canoe. But, you’re not that
    good either, and if you’re like this on the internet. I can’t imagine how
    you behave on the air… And sir, i have since i got my license only run 2
    QSO’s on HF with my father, since im studying i dont have much time for any
    hobbies… Tho i have run some QSO’s on VHF.

  9. DeathTheKid
    DeathTheKid says:

    Lot of meaningful conversations with people around the world–on VoIP Ham
    programs. Echolink, CQ100, HamSphere. I became a Ham when I was 13, got my
    Advanced class ticket at 14. Then I lost interest. I am 29 now and hearing
    your videos makes me remember why I became fed up with the hobby years ago.

  10. SpectreOZ
    SpectreOZ says:

    All enthusiast communities are diverse and thus you will never agree with
    others all the time and if you did wouldn’t that be mundane? That call sign
    followed by “nothing heard” serves to indicate to the other station that if
    they had indeed called they were not heard, not dissimilar to the
    redundancy style process used by the essential services during scheduled
    weekly/monthly radio checks (at least that’s how they do it here).

  11. n4sxx
    n4sxx says:

    I listened to your rant and was quite dismaid by what you shared I started
    amateur radio as a novice ( Coded ) and worked the way up to tech. with
    code then to Gen. with a cert. for 23wpm code so that tells you that i span
    25+ years have done almost everything I wanted to try BUT 1 of your
    statements I heard was your child passed her test for Tech+ well BIG whoop
    my elmer was a coded extra at 13 so what there to brag about look his call
    up N4GFB and years as extra.
    some of the things you talk about like repeating info could be that on
    there side the signal from you was not so great and want to make sure your
    RATTASSed was being heard correctly 😀
    have a pissy day N4SXX


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