
A well-known Kansas ham radio couple has died.

Martha “Marte” Wessel, K0EPE, of Liberal, Kansas, died September 23. She was 89. Her husband Walter “Pete” Wessel, W0CM, died 6 days later on September 29 at age 101. Both were ARRL members.

“Liberal has lost a YL legend and a lowband DX veteran,” said ARRL Honorary Vice President Bruce Frahm, K0BJ, referring to the couple.

Marte Wessel was on the DXC…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

Martha “Marte” Wessel, K0EPE, of Liberal, Kansas, died September 23. She was 89. An ARRL member, Wessel was on the DXCC Honor Roll. She oversaw the annual scholarship drive for the Young Ladies Radio League (YLRL), to which she belonged for 55 years and served on the President’s Advisory Committee. The scholarship campaign she headed raised nearly $ 4600 this year.

“Martha was one of the cornerst…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources