
Transceptor Yaesu VX-3R na funçao de “radio escuta” alem do que esta no video ainda recebe muito mais como serviços de segurança etc. e transmite nas frequen…

YAESU VX-3R CW Training, Morse Code Training

Some helpful hints on how to save time when entering text on the Yaesu FTM-350 radio. This works most areas where text can be edited on the radio (eg APRS, memory labels and prepared messages) Seems to be many different methods depending on where you are in the menus: text entry: left wheel, Up/Down buttons, DTMF keypad cursor position: left wheel (push), right wheel rotate, arrows, or A/B buttons

Yaesu VX-7R vs Yaesu VX-3R, Hong Kong Airport.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Yaesu FT-100D
Video Rating: 5 / 5