
A radio amateur and medium-frequency (MF) experimenter in Australia has received a 630 meter (475.62 kHz) transmission from a radio amateur and Part 5 Experimental operator in Texas. While the approximately 8710 miles covered is not a distance record nor a “first” for that part of the spectrum, it does represent the sorts of accomplishments that the Amateur Radio community in the US might come …

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

Everything about the MARS “Pacific Endeavor-13” exercise was simulated, except the power failure in “Pacifica,” the fictitious disaster-battered Asian nation that a small band of amateurs was seeking to assist. The Pentagon and US Pacific Command set up the drill as a test of Amateur Radio emergency support in Asia in the aftermath of Japan’s tsunami catastrophe. MARS, military stations and ama…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources