
By Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU
Contributing Editor

This week, Surfin’ hears weak ones, and then identifies them the old way and the new way.

I have been having a lot of fun this winter chasing DX on the AM broadcast band. I am always surprised when I am able to log a new one that is transmitting low power. For example, on Monday I logged two traffic advisory radio stations run by the Connecticut Departm…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

Getting Started with HAM Radio a Guide to your First Amateur Radio Station

From back cover – Advice on choosing a transceiver and power supply; Practical information to help you choose and install economical antennas; Science of how signals travel; Using your voice on the HF bands; Code conversations; Digital Universe; Chasing contacts and awards; FM No static at all; Weak signals and the world above 50 Mhz. (Description by http-mart)

List Price: $ 19.95

Price: [wpramaprice asin=”0872599728″]

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#1 Falcon 75 Meter Double Bazooka Base Station Ham Radio Antenna

  • 75 Meter Amateur Radio Antenna
  • Weather Tight Design
  • 1500 Watts Maximum
  • Legal Limits of Power
  • Made in the USA

#1 Falcon 75M Double Bazooka Radio Antenna,

This is an Indoor, Outdoor apartment, house, condo, attic or garage, 75 Meter Ham Radio Transmitting antenna.

It is made to be hung in the rafters or from the ceilings. Or outside on the roof, or between 2 trees or the side of a wall, or whatever you can imagine.

It will handle up to 1500 watts PEP and comes pretuned.

These can be mounted almost any where, and in any shape, horizontal, vertical, in a V or an L they work. Talk about a stealth ba

List Price: $ 81.99

Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B003ADCKT8″]

[wpramareviews asin=”B003ADCKT8″]

Russian Cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko, RN3BF, of the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) and NASA Astronaut Scott Kelly have been selected for a one-year mission aboard the International Space Station (ISS) in 2015. According to NASA, the mission will include collecting scientific data important to future human exploration of our solar system and to understand better how the human body react…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

This video shows my CB base station setup and basically all the CB equipment i have. Link To Ribbion Coax Adapter

The crew of the hit ABC comedy Last Man Standing is planning a radio event on Sunday, October 28 to kick off the show’s second season. Last Man Standing features Tim Allen as Mike Baxter, KA0XTT. According to Last Man Standing Producer John Amodeo, NN6JA, Mike’s station is back this year with even more gear. In addition, all the antennas that were in the catwalk last year have been relocated to…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

My portable station temporarily set up in my backyard; compact but effective! PS At the end of the video I mention “one press of the Par”, I meant to say LDG AT-897, sorry LOL
Video Rating: 4 / 5

WRTC 2014, Inc — host of the 2014 World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC) competition — will be conducting station tests during the 2012 IARU HF World Championship this weekend (1200 UTC Saturday, July 14 through 1200 UTC Sunday, July 15). Thirteen stations will be set up in the WRTC competition configuration, using sites planned for the 2014 event. Awards will be offered for working the WR…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

WPARC Sponsored video featured at May 2008 club meeting of setting up and controlling your radio via the internet. To find out mo WPARC Sponsored video featured at May 2008 club meeting of setting up and controlling your radio via the internet. To find out more about the Western Placer Amateur Radio Club go to

Digital modes heard on the 11 meter freeband.

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

Cobraworxshopz contacting the International Space Station’s (ISS, ARISS, RS0ISS-4, RS0ISS-11) Amateur Packet Radio Station, transmitting APRS & BBS AX.25 data on 145.825Mhz.

Falcon New Highest Power 2 Meter Dipole Base Station Antenna

  • 2 Meter Dipole 1/2 Wave Base Station Antenna
  • For Amateur Ham Radios
  • Weather Tight Indoor Outdoor Design
  • 5000 Watts Maximum Power

Product Description
This is the Highest Power 1/2 Wave 2M Dipole Antenna We Have Ever Had.

This is an Indoor, Outdoor apartment, house, condo, attic, Transmitting antenna. It is made to be hung in the rafters or from the ceilings. Or outside on the roof, or between 2 trees or the side of a wall, or whatever you can imagine.

It will handle up to 5000 watts PEP and comes pretuned. These can be mounted almost any where, and in any shape, horizontal, vertical, in a V or an L they work. Talk abou

List Price: $ 33.99

Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B005027XMG”]

[wpramareviews asin=”B005027XMG”]

[wprebay kw=”ham+radio+outlet” num=”0″ ebcat=”-1″] [wprebay kw=”ham+radio+outlet” num=”1″ ebcat=”-1″] http & 1-540-808-2880 -floydlcfgroup@gmail – PO box 179 Floyd,Virginia 24091————-Arissat 1, is currently in development. This satellite will contain experiments built by students and other equipment. Unlike SuitSat-1, the batteries on Arissat-1 will be charged by solar panels, and is predicted to have a lifetime up to six months. Originally planned to launch in October 2007, the project has been delayed to a later date.———Gould Smith, WA4SXM writing on behalf of the ARISSAT-1 team said construction of the flight unit begins in early February when Tony Monteiro, AA2TX begins electronic assembly of the first US flight unit for ARISSat. The ARISSAT-1 team has had prototypes working for months. The enclosures have been painted by NASA and the cables prepared by Larry Brown, W7LB. The flight boards were built by the Microchip ARISSat team and Chuck Green, N0ADI, with Chuck checking all the flight units. Lou McFadin, W5DID has nearly assembled a complete flight structure (see photo above) designed by Bob Davis, KF4KSS. Lou expects to exhibit the structure in the AMSAT Booth at the upcoming Orlando HamCation. The first two flight TX receiver modules from Bill Ress, N6GHZ are due to arrive in February. We just found out that ARISSat will receive a new callsign and some additional Russian greetings will be added. We will have more than 25 international greetings from around the world in twelve languages broadcast on the FM
Video Rating: 5 / 5

N7TFP demonstrates what equipment would be considered very important to have in any amateur radio station.

A few nice Yaesu images I found:

lunch @ siam orchid (tokyo station yaesu basement mall)

Image by jetalone

Corridor with Silver Ducts between Underground Mall in Yaesu and JR Tokyo Station

Image by ykanazawa1999
The corridor shown in “Corridor in Tokyo Station under Construction” has a dog-legged corner here. When the construction finishes, will we see a new underground mall here? I do not know.

lunch @ siam orchid (tokyo station yaesu basement mall)

Image by jetalone

QSO with G3ZPD whilst I was at Woldingham Ridge Dec 08. Antenna was a CA-UHV vertical.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

How to tune in a side-band station using on a 1970 Zenith Royal-7000-1 Solid State Trans-Oceanic Portable shortwave radio. ———————————————————————- SINGLE SIDE BAND RECEPTION Single Side Band transmission, a recent development in the communications industry, provides a more efficient use of radio frequencies. Receivers designed for reception on the standard AM bands would reproduce SSB signals as a distorted sound, however, this Trans-Oceanic can be used to receive clear and understandable SSB messages in the Following manner: * With the BANDWIDTH in the NORMAL position, turn the radio ON and tune in channel as you would any AM band station. * Tune in and adjust the TUNING CONTROL to the center of the distorted sound. (This should be the point of maximum audio output as well as maximum deflection on the TUNING METRE.) * Turn MANUAL GAIN CONTROL to ON (clockwise). * Advance the VOLUME CONTROL near maximum. * Turn BFO Control ON (clockwise) and set to the center of its rotation. * Adjust MANUAL GAIN to desired volume (instead of VOLUME knob). * While receiving SSB it is recommended that the VOLUME CONTROL be kept near maximum and that the level adjustments be made with the GAIN CONTROL (as mentioned previously). * Adjust the BFO Control for an intelligible sounding signal, then for a more natural tone. * When correctly adjusted, rotate of the BFO Control toward the center of its rotation will cause the pitch of the voice to
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Standalone prototype of a POCSAG base station: Linksys NSLU2 computer on the right, Debian Linux installed on the 512M USB memory stick, cheap USB hub and USB serial adapters from DealExtreme, connected to the Internet using a Siemens GPRS module (on top of Motorola radio, flat-rate multi-SIM data). Dials up automatically when powered on and redials the connection if it drops. POCSAG modem in the top right corner, Atmel microcontroller, original design by N2RVQ. Motorola GM340 transceiver transmitting on 144.975 MHz. ATI Wireless Corporate programmable pager receiving the paging messages and saying “beep”. There’s another receiver (FT-7800) on the background monitoring the 512 bps (yes, bits per second) transmissions. The tiny computer runs a transmitter client, which polls a pair of central servers for new messages which should be transmitted. Another server runs a DX cluster client which uploads DX spots using an HTTP JSON API to the servers. The servers authenticates both the transmitter clients and the message sources using HMAC-SHA1.

visit the mw dx cluster
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Low Profile Amateur Radio: Operating a Ham Station from Almost Anywhere (The Radio Amateur’s Library ; Publication No. 167)

List Price: $ 8.00

Price: [wpramaprice asin=”0872594114″]

[wpramareviews asin=”0872594114″]

Find More Amateur Radio Products

Check out these Cross Band Repeater images:

Firehouse Station

Image by OpalMirror
Mike’s VHF+UHF radio (which is really two radios, and can also do cross-band repeater function – very useful in emergency situations) and a 13.8 VDC power supply allowed him to talk to us down at the Dibble House.

This is a video I recorded of me operating my amateur (ham) radio station here at my apartment in Englewood, Colorado near Denver during the North American QSO Party Contest (NAQP) on August 21, 2011 (UTC Date) and contacting stations in the contest and the contest exchange was the station call sign, name of operator and US State or Canadian province. I operated on 20 meter SSB voice and I only made 25 contacts in 11 different states or Canadian provinces. My total score was only 275. I could have had a much higher score if I would had spent more time operating on some of the other HF ham bands as well. I was transmitting at a power level of 90 watts and was using a 20 meter 1/4 wave end fed wire antenna hung above my top 3rd floor apartment balcony and was using a 20 meter 1/4 wave length wire for a counterpoise inside my apartment. I have had this Yaesu FT-950 HF rig now for just over a year and have been quite happy with it! It has all kinds of features built in! This is my first HF transceiver I have had since I sold my older Kenwood TS-520S back 1985. The camera I used was a Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-HX1 used in 1080p HD video mode. This video is best viewed in 1080p HD mode here on Youtube if you have a high speed broadband internet connection. Thanks for watching my video and if you are a licensed amateur radio operator, I hope to contact you on the air sometime. 73, Bill, KI7f My home page is at Blogging page is at E-mail is:

I was first and foremost influenced to make Comm vids by watching one of YankeePreppers video about his experience, which led me to help fill a void at the time and contribute to the prepper/survivalist community. The vid that led me to my YT hobby is: (explains the Bruce Lee reference at the end.) Yankee talks about the the rabid dogs frothing at the mouth. Now some of them (Douchebags) are getting all upset over my vids without debating their point. Sure is easy to talk crap and run away. I welcome debate, not threats. The 95% of Hams are good people, and an asset to any community, no disrespect to those folks. But you have in every community the 5% of Douchebags that are just plain bad self absorbing assholes.
Video Rating: 4 / 5