
By Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU
Contributing Editor

This week, Surfin’ revisits RigReference, RigPix, and Flickr and finds more radio photos (but none of Cosmophone).

Elmer Torensma, PH5E, is the ham behind, which I wrote about here two weeks ago. Elmer e-mailed me to mention something I missed in my write-up about RigReference: a nifty little feature of the website called “collections.”…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

Check out these Ham Shack images:

Radio photos/Human being photos.

Image by kc7fys
Click HERE for people photos.

From time to time I sequester myself and make things. There is a very avid subculture of others who do the same, and who (go figure!) peruse my photos of Amateur Radio kits and ham shack foibles with a keen interest. If you do not share this parochial interest, click the word HERE above, or enter my photos through Collections/LIFE.
I wish there was a way I could have a splash screen that would come up at the front of the Flickr experience that would allow radio photos to be toggled ON/OFF. That would be a good add-on for Firefox.