
The annual WX4NHC On-the-Air Station Test from the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami will take place Saturday, June 1, 1300-2100 UTC (9 AM-5 PM EDT). “The purpose of this annual station test is to test all of our radio equipment, computers and antennas using as many modes and frequencies as possible in preparation for this year’s hurricane season,” said WX4NHC Assistant Amateur Radio Vol…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

Nat-Com takes a trip to Timonium, Maryland and the Maryland State Fairgrounds in order to attend the Timonium Hamfest. This amateur radio show is held every spring just outside Baltimore and features all sorts of radio equipment, computers and lots of other things that have noting to do with electronics. Based in two buildings — the Exhibit Hall and Cow Palace, the event is an annual trip for radio enthusiasts across the east coast. Take a look around the 2008 Timonium Hamfest through the view of the Nat-Com camera.

Leading With Diplomacy to Strengthen Stability in Space
A code of conduct could help establish guidelines for safe and responsible use of space, avoid collisions, reduce radiofrequency interference, and call out irresponsible behavior. Unless the international community adopts positive measures to address
Read more on US Department of State (press release)

NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 2 November 2011
Powering down the amateur/ham radio equipment in the SM & COL (Columbus Orbital Laboratory) before the docking to prevent RF (radiofrequency) interference during the approach & docking; later in the day, both stations were turned on again, .
Read more on Space Ref (press release)