
Ham radio club provides more than just a hobby
Southgate Amateur Radio Club
of operators that when all else fails is ready to get the word out. They're the Bolingbrook Amateur Radio Society (BARS), and although their club name implies they're amateurs, the club members' contributions to the community are big. Read the full

ham amateur radio – Google News

Bolingbrook Ham radio club provides more than just a hobby
Suburban Life Publications
The society is a club of about 50 Ham radio operators from the Bolingbrook area – from Joliet to Westmont to Oswego – who gather for monthly meetings, offer an annual Field Day to promote their craft to the community and cultivate friendships among 

ham amateur radio – Google News

Cuba’s Ministry of Communications is reported to have made available to its radio amateurs a 12 kHz segment of 60 meter spectrum, as opposed to a channelized plan as the US and other countries have done. Access is not immediate. Hams in Cuba must obtain approval and a license modification. Access to 5418 to 5430 kHz will be on a secondary basis, with emphasis on its use during emergencies.


American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

About five dozen Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) volunteers have deployed in and around flood-stricken counties of Colorado, providing critical communication for Red Cross shelters and state and local emergency operation centers. Recent heavy rains have caused veritable mountainside tsunamis that have caused rivers and streams to overflow their banks, ravaged roads and property and displ…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources