
WLO RTY 60 WPM News Teletype AN/UGC-25A de W7TTY.

By Ward Silver, N0AX

QST Contributing Editor

Three days in Santa Clara have just vanished in a blur of ham radio happiness. Pacificon attendance was up to about 1600, filling the halls for forums, lectures, browsing, and the occasional airborne affair such as astronauts, ARISS contacts, parachute mobile stations, and of course, Felix Baumgartner’s skydive from 24 miles up on Sunday afternoon put …

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

By Ward Silver, N0AX

QST Contributing Editor

What does a hamfest fleamarket in Silicon Valley look like? Palm trees and soldering irons, that’s what! After a couple rainy days, everyone was relieved to have cool, clear weather for the parking lot to fill with buyers and sellers. Being in the heart of the West Coast’s electronics industry did seem to influence the wares on display with a lot of te…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

By Ward Silver, N0AX

QST Contributing Editor

The first day of the ARRL National Convention at Pacificon in Santa Clara, California is a wrap!

Much or the morning was consumed with getting everything “just so” in the ARRL EXPO area as Bob Inderbitzen NQ1R, and the rest of the EXPO staff made final preparations. ARRL Membership Manager, Diane Petrilli, KB1RNF and Customer Service Manager, Amy Hurtad…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources