
A well-known Kansas ham radio couple has died.

Martha “Marte” Wessel, K0EPE, of Liberal, Kansas, died September 23. She was 89. Her husband Walter “Pete” Wessel, W0CM, died 6 days later on September 29 at age 101. Both were ARRL members.

“Liberal has lost a YL legend and a lowband DX veteran,” said ARRL Honorary Vice President Bruce Frahm, K0BJ, referring to the couple.

Marte Wessel was on the DXC…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

Martha “Marte” Wessel, K0EPE, of Liberal, Kansas, died September 23. She was 89. An ARRL member, Wessel was on the DXCC Honor Roll. She oversaw the annual scholarship drive for the Young Ladies Radio League (YLRL), to which she belonged for 55 years and served on the President’s Advisory Committee. The scholarship campaign she headed raised nearly $ 4600 this year.

“Martha was one of the cornerst…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

ARRL Life Member Howard O. “H.O.” Townsend, K5CX (ex-WA5MLT), of Naples, Texas, died on May 30. He was 69. Townsend was a retired software designer and a US Army veteran.

An Honor Roll DXer, West Gulf Division Assistant Director, and past Section Emergency Coordinator, Townsend participated in the W1AW/5 Centennial QSO Party operation from Texas (12 meters SSB).

ARRL West Gulf Division Director D…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

ARRL member Jim Abercrombie, N4JA (ex-K4BMS), of Enoree, South Carolina, died May 14. He was 76. According to Charles Pennington, K4GK, Abercrombie was fatally injured as the result of a fall from his Amateur Radio tower.

Abercrombie was a serious DXer with 340 current DXCC entities confirmed (mixed). He served briefly in 1972 as the ARRL Section Communications Manager (now Section Manager) for …

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

Lee C. Wical, KH6BZF, of Kaneohe, Hawaii, died May 2 after a period of declining health. He was 79 and had not been active on the air in recent years. Growing up in Ohio, Wical became interested in radio after getting an old Atwater-Kent from his grandfather in 1938, becoming a BCL and, later, an SWL. His uncle and a cousin both were hams. His early aspirations were to become a minor league bas…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

Wayne C. Long, K9YNF, of Cascade, Wisconsin, died April 24. He was 67. A ham since 1960, Long enjoyed DXing and was on the DXCC Honor Roll with 336 entities confirmed. He also was on the Islands on the Air (IOTA) Honor Roll, with 712 confirmed. He had been an ARRL member.

A graduate of Northern Illinois University, he worked in the environmental services field for 25 years before retiring. Long …

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

Bruce W. Butler, W6OSP, of Napa, California, died January 16. He was 79. Butler’s father was a ham and inspired him to get his license, which he did in 1950, becoming W5PXN while   Det som gor vart online Casino sa speciellt ar det breda utbud av spel vi erbjuder dig. a high school student in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

While serving in the Navy on Guam, he operated KG6AAY and was able to keep in touch with his father. He got hooked on DX after operating from both sides of a pileup.

A Un…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

A familiar DX and contesting call sign has gone quiet. Steve Hodgson, ZC4LI, of Cyprus died August 31 of cancer. He was 69. Hodgson also was on the air over the years as 5B4AHA, C4C, GØLII, G6G and ZD8LII, and was active until a few weeks ago. Adrian, 5B4AIY, called him “an enthusiastic contest operator [who] had won many awards. I’m sure his call will be sorely missed.” Mark, N2QT, said ZC4LI …

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

Noted DXer Luis Chartarifsky, XE1L, of Mexico City, passed away Monday, March 18 after a heart attack. An ARRL Life Member, Chartarifsky held Top of Honor Roll (Phone and Mixed), with all 340 current entities confirmed. He also held DXCC for Mixed, Phone, CW and RTTY, as well as 5-Band DXCC, and had a total of 354 entities, including deleted.

Chartarifsky became interested in radio and listening…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources