
Check out these Ham Radio images:

Deploying the antenna

Image by imabug
Attaching the antenna to the mast on the trailer. This is where the CW action happened.

Ham Log Page 1 of 5

Image by The Rocketeer

New Tower 10/12/2015

Image by Paul L McCord Jr
Last night I picked up 14 sections of 55G tower for both myself and my dad. One piece is damaged so it will not be usable. Five pieces will be used for my own tower and eight will be used for my dad’s. The short vertical piece will be buried in concrete for the base of my dad’s tower.

ARRL Headquarters is deploying Ham Aid kits to Hawaii as ARES volunteers stand ready to activate in the wake of the massive Puna volcanic lava flow that has been threatening some communities on the Big Island of Hawaii. The lava originated from new “vents” in the Earth as a result of the Mt Kilauea volcano, which began erupting more than 30 years ago. ARRL Pacific Section Manager Bob Schneider,…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

KickSat Project Manager Zac Manchester, KD2BHC, has announced that the KickSat CubeSat reentered the atmosphere on May 14 (UTC) and burned without deploying its cargo of tiny “Sprite” satellites.

“Unfortunately, we were not able to command the Sprite deployment in time,” said Manchester, a Cornell University aerospace engineering graduate student. “While we are certainly disappointed that things…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

In this video I demonstrate how to deploy your J-Pole Antenna using a tree branch as a base. I used 25 feet of high viz paracord, tied one end to a rock. I t…
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