
Anusat 137.400 FM 23042009 14UTC FT-847 Disconne CA3SOC CE3RR Yaesu Satellite SAT CE3SOC

Modification of an Alinco DR-635 dual band radio (144/440Mgz) to expanded transmit capability (MARS/CAP) 137Mgz-175Mgz, 420Mgz-480Mgz range. Their are many other dual band radios with the same capabilities and more, this one is just one I stuck with as a simple, easy to use, no frills mobile radio. There are many other radio bands to use, this is a small slice I like to use because of its proximity to Fire/Law/EMS/Govt frequencies for monitoring. It’s close to FRS, MURS, and GMRS frequencies as well. Nothing wrong with our CB and longer wavelength cousins, antenna construction and size limitation gets a little challenging when you are trying to be discreet in those bands. Don’t want to spend the money either.