Blog posting with hi-res photos at: This video covers beginner’…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

I decided to upgrade some of the old electrolytic capacitors in my Drake TR-4Cw radio that I purchased new in early 1977 just before I got my novice class ha…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

46 replies
  1. RadioHamGuy
    RadioHamGuy says:

    I just went down and took a look since I have not paid any attention to the
    model I guess, it is a TC162, Mighty Mite 7, so must have been a more
    recent one, but I would guess it is maybe from the 70’s or 80’s, really
    have not looked them up and have had this for some time so not sure off
    hand, but it is very good quality, I am sure there are many other good ones
    out there also from what I have seen. Sencore was big in the TV test
    equipment, I used to get to their seminars back in early 80’s.

  2. RadioHamGuy
    RadioHamGuy says:

    They will probably come at a later time, but for now, these were the most
    critical caps and if they go bad could cause damage to other things, but
    the ones that are left now, I will probably notice something just not
    working right and troubleshoot it or will replace them down the road.

  3. aleksandr fedonyuk
    aleksandr fedonyuk says:

    привет.с ума схожу от старого радио.сам начинал с 6п3с.имел много чего но
    никогда не забуду как вытягивал в армии невозможное на р-154. имеется swan
    500-папа знаменитого up2nv.Желающих купить- прошу не обрасщаться.создать
    клуб любителей ретро-да. I7/ur3pbw. alex.

  4. Todd Harrison
    Todd Harrison says:

    Wow, you’re up late too I see. You should do a video on using a tube
    testers. I some on YouTube but not your model and none that show testing
    Ham gear. I’m up because I’m getting a video ready to upload. I should be
    done in 10 or 15 minutes. This Video blogging takes alot of sleepless
    nights doesn’t it.

  5. RadioHamGuy
    RadioHamGuy says:

    I guess if I started having some problems with the radio, I would check the
    tubes first with my tube tester, I did go through them a while back and
    they were all in great shape yet, so they are pretty reliable most of the
    time if not abused, hopefully I will be ok for a while now, lol. But tube
    contacts can turn bad also, wiggle the tube in the socket and comes back to
    normal, so I clean them with a little sand paper on the contacts sometimes
    and wiggle them in the socket. Lot of them too!

  6. 12ax7mod
    12ax7mod says:

    tnx for posting this Larry.. i had a TR-3 That wuz lost in a fire and i
    miss that radio…Great video. i can hear the warm sound of the TR-4C even
    on the computer speakers…lol…nice job on the AC-4 rebuild ..tnx for all
    the info…73 .Jim KD4LOW

  7. RadioHamGuy
    RadioHamGuy says:

    Yes, you are right there. My upload speed is not very fast so when I do a
    video, it takes several hours sometimes to upload, so I start it and go to
    bed usually. I need to get to bed now, sounds good on the video, I will
    have to take a look tomorrow, not going to make it much longer here, lol.
    Good idea on video on tube tester, I will jot that down for a possible
    video in the future, thanks for the idea!

  8. TK Reim
    TK Reim says:

    Really enjoy your videos Larry. This video was helpful for me in the
    technique in changing these caps. Also a source for buying electrolytics.
    Thanks , Terry WA0DTH

  9. RadioHamGuy
    RadioHamGuy says:

    I have a Sencore tube tester that I picked up at a hamfest many years ago
    and it works great. It covers most any tube you can think of but once in a
    while I will run into one not listed in the chart.

  10. Todd Harrison
    Todd Harrison says:

    Good to know. What tube tester do you use? Is it just for radios or select
    tubes? I have never worked on tube equipment but I now have 2 items off
    eBay that use tubes so I best learn.

  11. SpectreOZ
    SpectreOZ says:

    Glad to see the radio back in service, there’s a kind of nostalgia to
    tube/transistor translational generation equipment especially hybrid gear.

  12. MintEEV
    MintEEV says:

    Todd, I respect your videos and mean no offence when saying this, but I
    don’t think anyone would sit through the entire 30+ minutes of this video.

  13. RimstarOrg
    RimstarOrg says:

    I think Alex was a little anxious to get hunting at the beginning. 🙂 Makes
    me wonder how well I could use my portable loop antenna radio to find a
    physical radio station. I know the building is around 2 kilometers from
    here and the signal is strongest when I point the opening of the loop at
    the station. I gotta try this. Thanks!

  14. Todd Harrison
    Todd Harrison says:

    @gwmaher, You are welcome and Hi from the USA. My wife’s Great Grand
    Parents were from Ireland. Some of her family members went to Ireland a
    couple of years back to see the old country and relatives that still live
    in Ireland. My heritage is English, German and American Indian mix so no
    Irish in me sad to say.

  15. Todd Harrison
    Todd Harrison says:

    @Sterling Coffey, THANKS! 😀 My stats show this video had an audience
    retention avg of 25.4% which for me is 2.1% higher than my normal yearly
    avg for all my videos for all time. Most people are not going to watch a
    full informational video unless they need the information, not too
    different than a book really.

  16. Todd Harrison
    Todd Harrison says:

    @MintEEV, I hear you and agree on it being too long. I had 3 hours of video
    for this and my first cut was 56 minutes long. My second cut was 45 and
    then I really started chopping the fine bits out. I have to live with
    something and stopped after 6 hours of re-cutting. If you don’t shoot a
    video for short it is really hard to make it short. But when I shoot for
    short it comes across as scripted and lame. I will get better over time
    because I really hate spending 4x longer editing than hacking,

  17. insurgent
    insurgent says:

    That’s nice and all but we foxes have contacted our attorney in regards to
    the offensive portrayal of us foxes being objectified as something to
    merely be hunted. We have much more to offer the world than that portrayed
    by your foxist stereotype!

  18. Todd Harrison
    Todd Harrison says:

    @RimstarOrg. I’m new to the fox hunting and I’m not so sure how a loop
    would work with weak signals. Let me know how it works and how you build
    the antenna and I will give it a try.

  19. RadioHamGuy
    RadioHamGuy says:

    What a great way to get the kids involved, looked like they were having fun
    and I bet they will always remember that day and want to do more! 73

  20. Todd Harrison
    Todd Harrison says:

    @Malc, Thanks. They did have a great time. It was hard to keep other kids
    away from the action. I only had permission of video the 3 friends of my

  21. Ger Maher
    Ger Maher says:

    Thanks so much from Ireland for this video! We built an FM Yagi from copper
    and plastic pipe from out local hardware store and it works a treat! some
    formulas are different for the distance between the elements but we used
    landa divided my 10 I think


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