20 replies
  1. Tacticalgearhead
    Tacticalgearhead says:

    All right! Thanks a lot Doc for your encouragement and well-wishes. I’m
    excited about the repeater directory, a perfect companion to my new radio
    that should be arriving soon! 73 my friend!

  2. Kevin Metcalfe
    Kevin Metcalfe says:

    There is a free app called “Repeater Book”. This particular app is for
    Android but it uses Geolocating for find repeaters close to you. I wish I
    could post a link but check the Google Play Store. I can look for an iPhone
    equivalent if you need one. Welcome to the hobby! 73 KEVIN DE KB3ZWI

  3. workingforgear
    workingforgear says:

    WOW that’s cool. Could I use the CB antenna I already have on my jeep? By
    the way I got my Ham license for search and rescue 6 months ago. KJ6HFO Out.

  4. Pasquale Posa
    Pasquale Posa says:

    Hey USNERDOC ~~ Can you please give some info on a great hand help radio
    like the one you use ~~ Been looking for one thanks kj4hhm

  5. FGsltw2009
    FGsltw2009 says:

    @workingforgear Hey, do not use the CB for ham. CB is 11 meters and the ham
    a tech uses is usally 70cm and 2 meters. The antennas length are different
    and you must use an antenna designed for that band. Hope this helps and
    good luck.

  6. FGsltw2009
    FGsltw2009 says:

    Doc, how far away will it key up a repeater with the mobile antenna? I have
    one and it will do 30 miles at best with 5 watts.

  7. hinckleypoland
    hinckleypoland says:

    Nice little set up Doc. You will have to start sharing come other contacts
    with us. And CONGRATS AGAIN JOHN!!!! Have a great day!


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