Just a quick video on how I passed the Ham Radio Technician Class license exam. Here are some links to help you out if you are looking to take the exam.

The No-Nonsense Technician Class License Study Guide by Dan Romanchik:
FREE (Or Donation) Here:
Via Kindle here:

Ham Radio for Dummies

NEW: Ham Radio License Manual – ARRL

OLD: Now You’re Talking! All You Need For Your First Amateur Radio License

HamExam.org: Free Amateur Radio Practice Exams:

American Radio Relay League:
Video Rating: 4 / 5

19 replies
  1. Mosin_Man
    Mosin_Man says:

    Thanks for posting this! You’re awesome. I am an electronics geek and I was
    a little worried about this one based on the course. Thanks for helping
    ease some anxiety. 😉

  2. abh29569
    abh29569 says:

    thanks for the great video. I am taking my technician test this weekend. I
    was wondering how long it took for you to get your call sign and become
    legal to transmit? thanks again!

  3. Mike A Drover
    Mike A Drover says:

    Hi Mike A Drover I am looking for a mentor, a teacher on line, someone that
    can quiz me. I purchased the Wouxun KG-UV2D. And I’m listening, and
    learning. If you are interested in teaching through Email let me know? ~M~

  4. UncleHeavyWNY
    UncleHeavyWNY says:

    I followed your exact instructions, and made only one error on my
    technician exam. Thanks for the great advice !!!

  5. survivadordali
    survivadordali says:

    Thanks, the test is not hard – it’s multiple choice, and you have all the
    exact questions to study from in a variety of places on/off line. I highly
    recommend the ARRL books followed up by using the flash cards and practice
    exams on hamexam website. Just keep listening, and studying and then take
    your exam.

  6. Mike A Drover
    Mike A Drover says:

    Hi Mike A Drover You are very-well spoken and I agree with your course of
    thought. Please let me add to this; thanks’ for taking the time to make
    this video, we all appreciate it! and well done. From your video it seems
    that you have knowledge of taking tests. I do not. I’m 54 and it has been
    years since I have taken a written test. I hope I can pass this test? Any
    thoughts you might have would be helpful. ~M~

  7. Matt Bohnhoff
    Matt Bohnhoff says:

    My local library has a copy of “Now You’re Talking” from 1997 but I
    understand the tests have changed significantly since then. Is it worth it
    to read it or will it just confuse me?

  8. survivadordali
    survivadordali says:

    It depends how long it takes for your VE to send in the documents, and of
    course how many exams the FCC has to process. I’ve heard as little as 2-3
    days to as long as 3-4 weeks. I think typical turnaround is less than 14
    days. Remember to check the FCC website for processed licenses though –
    because as soon as its posted online you’re good to transmit. It can be
    several days between online announcement and getting your paperwork.

  9. Kandi Klover
    Kandi Klover says:

    The VE just filed it for me no test. Pretty sure the old guy wanted to hump
    my underage pussy but whatever lol general now

  10. jbuddyman
    jbuddyman says:

    Yeah, I am also willing to get my technicians license. There is this app on
    amazon that is also good, and asks you questions that would more likely be
    on the actual exam. Since I also have experience with electronics, and not
    necessarily radios, it may be fast for me to learn it all. Thanks for
    sharing your experience. 


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