Video Rating: 4 / 5

www.thunderpole.co.uk Here is the link and comes SWR for the usual channels and works really quite well in my opinion. Good Price and sound investment for the cost. Check my video with 26CT483 he was using this antenna when we made contact and was working well into Germany with it. 500w power handling and 1.89cm antenna. Does what it says on the tin. Works well and MADE IN THE UK, BIRMINGHAM by Paul and his team at Sigma Eurocomm and all there stuff works well.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
had one of these. was a very good antenna. used it on SSB, 5/9 +20 into 30 division on it. shouldn’t have sold it haha
Bullwhip? Looks more like a red Modulator.
@3.40 You dont really have to listen too close to hear the knob of Italy calling as usual with his meaningless echo.
He is nearly as bad as the muppets on uk19. 😉
thanks from Puerto Rico
I think the SWR is closer to 4.2 than to 6… Measurement error in this example?
@ollopa1 me too. I got it 4.2 instead of 6 VSWR…
yup, SWR is about 4.2 instead of 6
wait, what about lmin?…
wouldnt that just be the towards generator value on the furtherst left minus the value .21 (load impendace)?
i agree with everyone, its 4.2 instead of 6
Can anyone explain to me why Vmax and Vmin are only 0.25λ apart? Surely they should be 0.5λ apart?
For a standing wave, the sum of sine waves that produce the standing wave repeats every half wavelength, so the min and max are 0.25 wavelengths apart.
thank you for ur explanation but the values are not accurate