BS7H is the hot DX this week. I worked them on 20 M SSB last night. Sorry, I did not have the video running. I found this video of the 1997 operation. This will give us all an idea what it is like to operate from the rocks. Here is a link to the 1997 operation: Link to this year’s operation – Good DX
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 replies
  1. DC9FO
    DC9FO says:

    I did not recognice the afford to do this dxpedition until I had seen this video.
    Thanks to all the people involved in the dxpedition on that small rocks

  2. g0sdb
    g0sdb says:

    Great fun for all those concerned, I have no doubt. Not sure the rocks should count as dxcc though….anymore than all the millions of other rocky marine outcrops around the world. Its taking the dxcc part of our hobby from the sublime to the (frankly) ridiculous. Whats next, pogo-stick operating from Krakatoa, or how about going hf mobile from a camels back in Timbuktoo ? (sorry about the spelling). Count me in for the next one to the reef though……..

  3. oh2hsj
    oh2hsj says:

    Nice and interesting video. Tnx. I have friends, who couldn´t belive their eyes, when they saw photos from the 2007 operation. 🙂


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