This is a video I recorded of me operating my amateur (ham) radio station here at my apartment in Englewood, Colorado near Denver during the North American QSO Party Contest (NAQP) on August 21, 2011 (UTC Date) and contacting stations in the contest and the contest exchange was the station call sign, name of operator and US State or Canadian province. I operated on 20 meter SSB voice and I only made 25 contacts in 11 different states or Canadian provinces. My total score was only 275. I could have had a much higher score if I would had spent more time operating on some of the other HF ham bands as well. I was transmitting at a power level of 90 watts and was using a 20 meter 1/4 wave end fed wire antenna hung above my top 3rd floor apartment balcony and was using a 20 meter 1/4 wave length wire for a counterpoise inside my apartment. I have had this Yaesu FT-950 HF rig now for just over a year and have been quite happy with it! It has all kinds of features built in! This is my first HF transceiver I have had since I sold my older Kenwood TS-520S back 1985. The camera I used was a Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-HX1 used in 1080p HD video mode. This video is best viewed in 1080p HD mode here on Youtube if you have a high speed broadband internet connection. Thanks for watching my video and if you are a licensed amateur radio operator, I hope to contact you on the air sometime. 73, Bill, KI7f My home page is at Blogging page is at E-mail is:

I was first and foremost influenced to make Comm vids by watching one of YankeePreppers video about his experience, which led me to help fill a void at the time and contribute to the prepper/survivalist community. The vid that led me to my YT hobby is: (explains the Bruce Lee reference at the end.) Yankee talks about the the rabid dogs frothing at the mouth. Now some of them (Douchebags) are getting all upset over my vids without debating their point. Sure is easy to talk crap and run away. I welcome debate, not threats. The 95% of Hams are good people, and an asset to any community, no disrespect to those folks. But you have in every community the 5% of Douchebags that are just plain bad self absorbing assholes.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 replies
  1. camokbear1
    camokbear1 says:

    Dear gurrila geek Great video. Your videos have been a great help you are doing a great job. Now I am turning into a geek too I just bought a SWR meter. Control freaks definatly suck. My VXR7 is toatally dialed now. Thank you for your work.


    @camokbear1 Good deal, I’m in the market for an SWR meter too, but dont have the funds yet. good to know your VX7r is ready for whatever. Take care and thank you.

  3. Wardog720
    Wardog720 says:

    Right on! I too am a licensed Amateur, on my second 10 years, general hopefully soon extra. O am also a working gunsmith. That being said I have trained a bunch of new hams who are preppers. I teach them all the legal rules and they are all operating correctly. They will be prepared to operate effectively if the SHTF. Proper nets, tactical comm ( my experiences FTP Vietnam) and Opsec-SOI. Fight the good fight brother. Best channel on the tube!


    @Wardog720 Thanks alot for the kind words and especially for your service in the armed forces. You have some good practical experience, I’m sure you have your guys dialed in. Take care.

  5. Wardog720
    Wardog720 says:

    I neglected to also thank “you” for your service! Marines for you, I believe so “Semper Fi!”. I was Army but we are all brothers.

  6. AzPapaLes
    AzPapaLes says:

    Thank you. It is always refreshing to hear someone stand up and tell the idiots that are out there to chill and become ambassadors to a great hobby/resource. i am so glad I ran into your channel.Keep up the good work!

  7. cbarsonfire
    cbarsonfire says:

    There are some real douchbags who think they own the air waves. These clowns ride around being self appointed FCC cops.

    I do have a FCC license and could care less about these loosers.

    What they really need is a girl friend, and stop spending time wacking off while quoting the rule book.

    USNERDOC says:

    Four salient and well said points:

    1. “It is always loaded” . . . This is the foundational firearms concept.

    2. “Be an ambassador of the hobby” . . . Wonder the long range effect of a good ambassador of the hobby giving someone like SouthernPrepper1 the friendly approach . . . probably would have added another HAM to the ranks.

    3. “Lead by Example” . . . always the best approach to any situation.

    4. How about you guys making videos . . . well, what to say here except, “enough said”.

  9. tsolorio3001
    tsolorio3001 says:

    Thank you. The chance that TSHTF is the reason I got my Tech license and will get my General and Extra. I come from a family of preppers. I feel like though that I can’t be honest with other hams about my reasons so I just end up saying….it’s a hobby, I like tech and electronics and so on. I’ve had my license for about 4 yrs and have yet to make a contact because of the rude ones. I shouldn’t have to worry about people getting mad. Other hams need to change their ways and be supportive.


    @tsolorio3001 Your last sentence is absolutely the bottom line, hammer on the nail. My main reason for hamming is EMCOMM, but found some fun goofing around with the electronic aspect of it. I mostly monitor, and most of the talk I hear is not geared to my screwy Gen-X, mind frame. The ham ranks are definitely swelling with all kinds of people, I’m sure there is room to accommodate, I sure don’t want to scare away regular folks with snobbery. Thanks for watching.

  11. thebigguyrc413
    thebigguyrc413 says:

    I like your attitude it’s a tell it like it is one. If the 5%ers don’t like it, well thats realy to bad for them. Then they can go watch other videos. You do your own thing and do it well so keep up the great work man………

  12. alexarcano
    alexarcano says:

    Dunno about in the USA but illegal operation of ham radio but in the UK it’s illegal for us to even talk to people who have no license (£6000 ($9000) fine and seizure of equipment). Which sucks. Mind you the license only costs £27.50 and it lasts a lifetime. Presuming you pass the foundation (=USA technician) test. Which is simple. So why not do it legally then you can contribute well during an emergency like the guys during the Tsunami and Katrina? Just a question, not meaning anything by it.

  13. alexarcano
    alexarcano says:

    I mean on the illegal on amateur radio frequencies, not face to face. Just in case you were wondering. Loads of clubs here to get people trained, so really no reason not to.


    @edwardwills Both are good, some will swear one is better than the other. its a matter of the law, CB is regulated by the FCC for 4 watts AM, 12 watts single sideband in the 27 megahertz range with about 40 channels available to you without a license needed. Ham is regulated with more options, frequencies and channels available, more power. Though you will need to be licensed by the FCC to operate. I have a few vids on my channel, explaining each service, though very long and somewhat boring.

  15. edwardwills
    edwardwills says:

    @GUERRILLAGEEK I see that one can buy a 75 watt Ham radio that is mobile. My needs are the ability to commute out 40 miles “as the crows fly.”


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