Our amateur radio enthusiast buys another ham radio instead of attending to the needs of his family. His wife is not pleased. This animated cartoon was my first attempt at creating a computer animated short film. The script idea comes from an accumulation of so many conversations overheard at various radio events. No offense to anyone intended, even if you are guilty of this. Enjoy.

This is my third visit as a guest ham radio operator aboard the USS Pampanito that is docked at Pier 45 at Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco. It is great to be in a historic submarine and to give ham radio operators a contact from a very unique ham radio station. USS Pampanito (SS-383) is a World War II Balao class Fleet submarine museum and memorial that is open for visitors daily at San Francisco’s Fisherman’s Wharf. Pampanito made six patrols in the Pacific during World War II during which she sank six Japanese ships and damaged four others. Operated by the Maritime Park Association, Pampanito hosts approximately 110000 visitors a year and is one of the most popular historic vessels in the country. In addition to day time visitors, over 15000 kids a year participate in Pampanito’s educational day and overnight programs. Pampanito is a National Historic Landmark. The Pampanito is being restored to a specific point in time, late summer, 1945, to represent the height of WW II submarine development. The Maritime Park Association has scoured the country in search of missing equipment and spare parts. Almost all of the missing items have now been replaced and much of the equipment on board has been restored to operation. For more information, a virtual tour and a podcast please go to the USS Pampanito homepage www.maritime.org

47 replies
  1. YV5HUJ
    YV5HUJ says:

    I imagine how incredible it must be to be inside the submarine and make some contacts from there. Awesome.
    Thanks for sharing the video.

    73 from YV5HUJ

  2. plantopguy5
    plantopguy5 says:

    Hey Rem. Hope to see that ship one day. They have a WWII sub and battleship at Mobile, AL which ive visited a few times but not sure if they have a ham station. Neat experience for you im sure. Take care.
    Hillbilly AF4O

  3. jturning
    jturning says:

    Great video. I did the tour a few years ago, and was amazed by just how small those boats were with so many aboard. Those men that manned them during the war were a brave lot, and they played a great part in our victory in the Pacific….Jason N6WBL

  4. ve3wmb
    ve3wmb says:

    Excellent. I was actually aboard the USS Pampanito back in 1999 when I went to
    San Francisco to attend the Java One Conference. It is on my list of things to do again if I ever make it back to San Fran. Great video Rem … as usual !

    Michael VE3WMB (Grrrrrrrr)

  5. NX8J
    NX8J says:

    Good show Rem! A weird co-incidence, I took some Boy Scouts to the USS Cod on Sunday as a guest of the boat’s ham club. We operated about an hour and had a wonderful time touring the vessel. Cod is berthed in Cleveland. Yes, the shack is very tight. Pampanito looks a bit roomier in the crew area compared to Cod. Enjoy your videos, keep doing them! PB 106, NX8J.

  6. ka8vit
    ka8vit says:

    For videos of the radio room, on-air-operations, a 25-minute 3-part tour of the sub and more of the WW2 Submarine USS COD SS-224, search YouTube,com for “KA8VIT” without the quotes.

    73 – Bill KA8VIT

  7. paulshinn
    paulshinn says:


    Alpha Mary = AM. Overheard this used once at a ham swap. It was so funny sounding when the computer voice said it, had to use it!

  8. bradmann85
    bradmann85 says:

    just like me. im always buying something electronic and my parents get a little upset with me. one time i bought a police scanner and everyone would tell me “dont you already have one?” i would say “ya but not one that goes to 1200mhz.”

  9. StinkingHobo
    StinkingHobo says:

    so true….many hams do not wash and they smell of BO and bad breath are look like tramps but they have their stupid radios and think they are cool but really they are just sad twats HA HA HA

    Nearly every ham I have ever met is a silly loser weirdo oddball…only 1 or 2 are actually normal guys it’s true so don’t bother arguing with me!!!

  10. K6BBQsHamShack
    K6BBQsHamShack says:

    Oh this is scary, glad my YL isn’t like this, but I have to admit that the guy is a moron. LOL – “you don’t even shower anymore”, “a bunch of weenies”. If he knew CW he could talk about his wife without her knowing what he was saying. I bought my K3 and no problem with that. No problem with sinking money into a tower, beam and an amp since I live in an apartment.


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