500 khz qso LA3EQ Norway – G3KEV England My power is 25 Watts, a homemade transmitter, antenne is a 3,5MHz Windom. Receiver is a Kenwood TS-2000X.
500 khz qso LA3EQ Norway – G3KEV England My power is 25 Watts, a homemade transmitter, antenne is a 3,5MHz Windom. Receiver is a Kenwood TS-2000X.
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very nice qso in 500 khz…here i listening every night but nothing…73
wasnt 500 khz the old international distress frequency?
yes that is correct, also 2182 khz was a distress frequency.
Very Kewl. Now i want to get on 500Khz.
wish he would keep the camera still!
and here I thought 160m was “top band” 🙂 What counties is 600m legal?
Its a Notice of Variation band in most european countries – if you have a full licence then you can apply to have you licence amended for operation in that band. In the UK we have NoV’s for 501 – 504khz with a maximum ERP of 1 watt. However all licencees, including Foundation, have the right to use 136 khz LF (again 1W ERP).