2 meter sideband contacts made during a awesome sporadic E opening from South Dakota. Running 50 watts and a vertical omni-directional antenna which is the wrong way from what most 2m SSB guys run.

20 replies
  1. SDSpike
    SDSpike says:

    I am not new to the radio hobby nor 2 M SSB. I just don’t work 2mSSB much. I generally do use correct phonetics but often I find that the J letter is better understood with different phonetics. I use whatever I need to to get it done not to be cute.

  2. N2RRAny
    N2RRAny says:

    You guys out west get all the good Tropo and E scatter! Us here on the north east coast get left out. Nice to see your active. 73!

  3. ke6ndg
    ke6ndg says:

    “You guys out west get all the good Tropo and E scatter!” Maybe the “mid-west” but not the extreme west…I guess it’s all relative.

  4. thebakerman1
    thebakerman1 says:

    I always loved 2-meter SSB but had to sell my beloved Kenwood TS-2000 a few years agp when the economy went to complete shit and have never been able to acquire another one since then 🙁
    That is a fun band when propagation is favorable. I can recall my first 2-meter SSB contact years ago when I got my very first mobile setup, a Yaesu FT-100D. Had LOTS of fun with that radio, although I kinda wish I would have gotten the 706 MKIIG instead. I sold it to get the TS2000.
    Very fun hobby 🙂

  5. SDSpike
    SDSpike says:

    On this frequency usually you only reach 30-40 miles and under really good conditions 200-300. That makes this 1000 mile plus contact exceptional.

  6. gmancool5
    gmancool5 says:

    why is yourside

    why is your sideband indicator not moving when u talk /////

    no indicator that shows your talking,,, only red light?

  7. SDSpike
    SDSpike says:

    Why would the sideband indicator move when I talk? It’s only for receive. And what’s wrong with a red light when I talk? What would you need to show you that your talking?

  8. pspheaven
    pspheaven says:

    Nice! Yeah I get about 30-40 miles on average… I only bother to push about 10Watts but I could run 50 if I had the need

  9. TrexsterInNC
    TrexsterInNC says:

    Most likely the radio is in SWR mode as opposed to power mode. That would keep the LCDs from going up when you talk. Nice video though. Thanks for including the antenna information. I assume this was in June in sporadic E season.


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