Archive for month: May, 2014
The Southern Florida Section will get a new Section Manager on June 1. Current SM David Fowler, K4DLF, of West Palm Beach, has announced plans to step down at the end of the month. Fowler, who has been at the helm in Southern Florida since October 1, 2010, cited recently increased work responsibilities as the reason for his resignation.
Jeff Beals, WA4AW, of Loxahatchee, will take over as the So…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Representatives of China’s Posts and Telecommunications Press (PT Press) visited ARRL Headquarters in Newington, Connecticut on May 30 to present an award honoring the ARRL’s involvement in publishing Amateur Radio books in China. PT Press publishes more than 20,000 titles as well as 13 magazines. In partnership with the ARRL, PT Press has translated and published several League titles, such as…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Demostración FT-8500 urantiaradiosupply arroba hot mail punto com.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Video showing how I accomplished the simple hardware mod on the Yaesu VX-8DR using my wife’s nail cuticle cutter–no desoldering. Now have TX on GMRS and FRS.
JUMMAX Green Mini RTL2832U R820T DVB-T SDR DAB FM USB DIGITAL TV Tuner Receiver RTL-SDR Project + DAB dongle Tuner 25MHz-1700MHz
- Spuer mini Realtek RTL2832U & R820T USB DVB-T Receiver Tuner
- Fit for RTL-SDR Project DVB-T Tuning Range
- Runteck Original DVB-T FM + DAB
- Up for sale is based on the R820T (can be the replacement of E4000)tuner IC made by Rafael Mirco
- Chip is R820T, the frequency range 25-1000MHz
Feature:Sticks with this combination (RTL2832 + R820T) are relatively new on
the market. The main difference to all the other supported tuners so
far is that it uses a Low-IF (3.57 MHz) architecture instead of
Zero-IF. That means the tuner is only connected to the In-Phase ADC
input, and the internal down converter of the RTL2832 is generating the
complex samples. This has the benefit of having no DC offset spike in
the middle of the spectrum.
So far the tuner dr
List Price: $ 36.98
Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B00JLCIK8W”]
[wpramareviews asin=”B00JLCIK8W”]
ARRL Rocky Mountain Vice Director Dwayne Allen, WY7FD, has agreed to stipulations spelled out by the ARRL Board of Directors to address a conflict-of-interest situation arising from the employment of his wife, Katie Allen, WY7KRA, by CQ Communications Inc. Emphasizing that there had been no allegations of impropriety on the part of either Dwayne or Katie Allen, the ARRL Ethics & Elections Commi…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
全画面表示で、バスブーストしたスピーカーシステムでのご視聴を推奨致します。 無線に興味のない方も、国内旅行の写真と思えば きっと楽しめます。 アマチュア無線において現在までに数え切れない ほどの種類の国内の記念局の QSLカードが発行されておりますが、自宅から交信できた局のほんの一例です。 デジカメの設定は160…
Video Rating: 0 / 5
World Radiosport Team Championship 2014 (WRTC-2014) has announced a “significant financial contribution” from the World Wide Radio Operators Foundation (WWROF). The donation was in the form of a match challenge for donations during the Contest Dinner on May 17, held in conjunction with Dayton Hamvention®. Attendees could contribute through the purchase of door prize tickets or through pledges g…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
The range of EZBoardWare products from Harwin are all designed to make production processes easier, and in some cases eliminate extra processes altogether. S…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
RV3DHC/P Part No.3/3 – DX-Pedition to RDA MO-81 – 12.06.2010-14.06.2010. QTH: village Babenki nr Troitsk (10km to south). You can see raining clouds.
Dx Pedition de PU2WZR em 17.01.2014.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Cuba’s Ministry of Communications has begun issuing license endorsements for experimental operation on 60 meters, but US stations that stick to the five allocated channels won’t hear them. Pavel Milanes Costa, CO7WT, in Camagüey, reported earlier this year that the Ministry was authorizing use of the band on a secondary basis, but its principal use will be during emergencies.
Cuban hams who are…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Here are some great resources on getting into amateur radio. One of the best ways I have found to study for your ham license exam is with a website called ha…
In a surprise move, the Ohio Sixth District Court of Appeals has dismissed an appeal from the Village of Swanton, Ohio, in an Amateur Radio antenna zoning case. The ARRL had announced plans to file a “friend of the court” or amicus curiae brief on behalf of ARRL Life Member Gary Wodtke, WW8N, who has been trying since 2009 to erect a 60 foot antenna support structure on his 0.2 acre residential…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Amateur Radio Exams 1.0 Pro
- Practice the FCC license exam
- View three complete question pools
- Make sure you’re ready for the exam
List Price: $ 2.99
Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B0053TI2JY”]
[wpramareviews asin=”B0053TI2JY”]
AMSAT-NA has announced that its Fox-1 CubeSat likely will not launch until the summer of 2015, “due to governmental priorities.” The satellite was set to head into orbit in December 2014. Fox-1 is on the flight manifest for NASA’s Educational Launch of Nanosatellites Mission 12 (ELaNa-12). The first phase of Fox satellites are 1-Unit CubeSats that will include an analog FM voice repeater that w…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Learn about the protection materials available from Parafix Tapes. For more information see
Video Rating: 0 / 5
Ulrich Rohde, N1UL (ex-KA2WEU), is the recipient of the C.B. Sawyer Memorial Award. Rohde, the chairman of Synergy Microwave Corporation and President of Communications Consulting Corporation, was honored at the 2014 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium May 19-24 in Taiwan.
The award recognizes “entrepreneurship or leadership in the frequency control community; or outstanding contrib…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Kenwood TS-480SAT HF/50 MHz Amateur Base Transceiver 100 Watts with Built-In Antenna Tuner- Original Kenwood USA
- 100W model with built-in Antenna Tuner
- TX/RX 16-bit AF digital signal processing • Separate LCD control panel with speaker
- Continuous RX: 500kHz (VFO: 30kHz) to 60MHz • TX covers all Amateur bands 1.8MHz to 50MHz
- Other features include a TS-950 class quad-mixer • PSK31 compatibility
- Packet cluster tune (with TM-D700A) • PC-based control
Tailor-made for DX’ing, the new TS-480SAT HF transceiver raises the bar on portable performance. Despite its compact dimensions, it delivers an astonishing punch: 100W with a DC 13.8V supply. Yet its separate control panel is perfect for base station use. The TS-480SAT also boasts a built-in antenna tuner.
List Price: $ 980.00
Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B00KBHRZXC”]
[wpramareviews asin=”B00KBHRZXC”]
A Communications Law and Regulatory Update seminar will be among the program offerings Thursday, July 17, at the ARRL Centennial National Convention in Hartford, Connecticut. ARRL General Counsel Chris Imlay, W3KD, and San Francisco Section Government Liaison (and Volunteer Counsel) Bart Lee, K6VK, will be the presenters. The ARRL National Legal Seminar will take place from 11 AM until 4:30 PM …
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

A quick demonstration of the prototype Sentry SDR transceiver transmitting into a SDR-4+ SDR receiver via an attenuator. The video demonstrates how clean the…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
The ARRL has responded (see attachments below) to an appeal from the Ukrainian Amateur Radio League (UARL) to “consider the information regarding the status of Crimea as temporarily occupied territory.” UARL President Vladimir Grishchenko, UT0FT, told the ARRL on May 3, that Russia’s “illegal annexation” of Crimea “does not change the status of this territory, which legally belongs to Ukraine.”…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
This movie shows how to use a private channels in application Personal Mobile Radio. The app is available by Google Play:…
The ARRL Centennial W1AW WAS operations taking place throughout 2014 from each of the 50 states will relocate at 0000 UTC on Wednesday, May 28 (the evening of May 27 in US time zones), from New York and Colorado to Missouri (W1AW/0) and Wyoming (W1AW/7). During 2014 W1AW will be on the air from every state (at least twice) and most US territories, and it will be easy to work all states solely b…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
I have uploaded this video to show just how good the eton E5 portable SW radio really is. Using just the radio’s telescopic antenna and a lap top PC, I manag…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
A few nice Ham Radio images I found:
Image by Andy M Smith
Dave G3VZE looking on.
Image by Andy M Smith
The dishes.
Image by Andy M Smith
Dan M6AXC starts on the beans.
Ham radio: Old technology gets new respect
Fox News When power, phone and Internet services go down, a battery-powered amateur radio and portable antenna can provide that crucial link to the outside world. “Ham radio will never die,” said Barry Thomas, Sr., a ham radio enthusiast and employee at Emory … |
This video is a quick technology demonstration of creating a working Open Data API using the CAM Editor and Open XDX software tools along with Oracle WebLogi…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Video Rating: 5 / 5
Ham radio: Old technology gets new respect
Fox News When power, phone and Internet services go down, a battery-powered amateur radio and portable antenna can provide that crucial link to the outside world. “Ham radio will never die,” said Barry Thomas, Sr., a ham radio enthusiast and employee at Emory … |
Today I will share with you my choice for the best zombie apocalypse ham radio in the world the Yaesu 817-ND. I will be posting videos using this radio in th…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
TM1M recorded an hour before the end of ARRL DX SSB 2014 Contest in my QTH (VE3VEE) on 14 MHz.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Connecticut radio amateur Keith Mutch, KB1RBI, of Torrington, was on Ocean Beach looking out over New London Harbor the evening of May 4 when he spotted a young girl and her dog in distress in a canoe. The unidentified 12-year-old, not wearing a life vest, was attempting to paddle through rough water and increased winds when she got into difficulty.
Unable to contact authorities via his cell pho…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Jim KN6PE interviews Cupertino OES director Marsha Hovey KG6CYV at Cupertino Amateur Radio Emergency Services (CARES) Field Day site on June 28, 2008. This i…
Video Rating: 0 / 5
Software Defined Radio: Enabling Technologies (Wiley Series in Software Radio)
Software defined radio (SDR) is one of the most important topics of research, and indeed development, in the area of mobile and personal communications. SDR is viewed as an enabler of global roaming and as a unique platform for the rapid introduction of new services into existing live networks. It therefore promises mobile communication networks a major increase in flexibility and capability.
SDR brings together two key technologies of the last decade – digital radio and downloadable
Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B000TBF59G”]
[wpramareviews asin=”B000TBF59G”]
Related Software Defined Radio Products
Over the past week we saw a decline in solar activity, and the 45-day outlook showed progressively weaker numbers as well.
Average daily sunspot numbers for May 15-21 were 129.4, while the previous average was 142.4, a 13 point decline. Average daily solar flux drifted from 157.5 to 128.5. The daily sunspot number on Wednesday dropped down to 100 and on Thursday it was only 70, a level unseen se…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
US Made PL259 UHF Male Jumper – Andrew Commscope CNT-240 Coaxial Cable | Ham or CB Radio Antenna Coax UHF VHF HF Antenna RF Transmission Line PL-259 Connector LMR240 (29-feet)
- US Made Andrew CNT-240 is more flexible than Times Microwave Systems LMR-240 Coax
- Outer Jacket Material: Flexible UV Proof FR-PVC, Outer Diameter: .195(in) nom., SRL: per MIL-C-17/17A
- 5 feet of coaxial cable USA Made Andrew Transmission Line Coaxial Cable with Soldered Silver Plated Connectors Teflon Dielectrics
- Ultra low loss characteristics ensure the maximum performance of your installation
- Assembled by MPD Digital – a DoD Supplier – in our GA Facility using MILSPEC Components
MADE IN THE USA – Andrew CNT braided cables are constructed from the highest quality copper, aluminum, and polyethylene materials for superb electrical and mechanical performance. Andrew CNT cable solutions satisfy any application, indoors or outdoors, with robust outer jackets that shield them from abrasion and environmental damage. CNT provides an ideal balance of performance, flexibility, and economy. The bottom line? Andrew CNT cables are built to perform. Designed to Flex – Braided cable te
List Price: $ 14.99
Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B00C0ZV7LY”]
[wpramareviews asin=”B00C0ZV7LY”]
Business Insider |
My New Favorite Social Network Is Ham Radio
Business Insider Amateur radio, or ham radio, is "the use of designated radio frequency spectra for purposes of private recreation, noncommercial exchange of messages, wireless experimentation, self-training, and emergency communication." This means that people all … |
MJ/ON6NB/P- Belgian dx pedition JERSEY island – GJFF003-18:33 utc – 25-May-2013 – 40 meters band.
Video Rating: 0 / 5
Some cool Amateur Radio images:
CRW_1313: Ben/KF4KJQ and Maria/KG4JBJ
Image by ac4lt
IMG_3378: Tom/K4TCM
Image by ac4lt
IMG_3361: Balloon is Rising
Image by ac4lt
On a May 23 broadcast, Connecticut Public Radio station WNPR featured Amateur Radio and the ARRL as part of its “Where We Live” program, hosted by John Dankosky. During the segment, Dankosky and reporter Patrick Skahill, who also authors a science blog known as The Beaker, discussed the ARRL centennial and the rich history of Amateur Radio.
You can listen to the 12-minute segment at http://wnpr…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
This is some highlights of the JUne 2010 VHF ARRL QSO Party. E-Skip conditions occurred several times and added to an interesting contest.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
The Third video from the big 6M E Skip opening during the 2010 June ARRL VHF contest.
Video Rating: 1 / 5
In the early morning hours of midnight to dawn Saturday, May 24, astronomers predict a new meteor shower will be visible that could support meteor-scatter propagation for VHF enthusiasts.
“Sky watchers all across North America are in for a real treat in the early morning hours of May 24,” NASA said. “There’s a brand-new meteor shower that may light up the night sky. Scientists aren’t sure yet ho…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

vista del interior de rotor de antenas HAM-IV desmontado para su reparacion y mantenimiento.
Ham radio: Old technology gets new respect
Fox News When power, phone and Internet services go down, a battery-powered amateur radio and portable antenna can provide that crucial link to the outside world. “Ham radio will never die,” said Barry Thomas, Sr., a ham radio enthusiast and employee at Emory … |
This session combines the high speed analog signal chain from RF to baseband with FPGA-based digital signal processing for wireless communications. Topics in…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
SUBMIT YOUR QUESTIONS HERE: Click here to (attempt to) join! Software Defined Radio. this USB stick lets you listen to ALL the spectrum around ya! Shannon Mo…
Video Rating: 0 / 5
Flexible Coaxial Cable withstands repeated bends.
Aurora, IL — AIR802 Corporation announces a new coaxial cable, CA600FLEX, identical to LMR-600-UF UltraFlex in both bulk reels and antenna cable assemblies or jumpers. CA600FLEX is a 50 ohm coaxial cable with a high degree of flexibility making it …
Read more on ThomasNet News (press release)
Oxfordshire scientists go back through time with massive telescope
Oxford Cryosystems is set to sign a £600,000 contract with the South African government in June to build two cryocoolers for each antenna. Mr Glazer added: “This is completely different from anything we are used to. “In South Africa we jumped on to a …
Read more on Oxford Mail
Ham radio: Old technology gets new respect
Fox News When power, phone and Internet services go down, a battery-powered amateur radio and portable antenna can provide that crucial link to the outside world. “Ham radio will never die,” said Barry Thomas, Sr., a ham radio enthusiast and employee at Emory … |
ARRL Headquarters will be closed Monday, May 26 in observance of Memorial Day. There will be no W1AW code practice or bulletin transmissions that day. ARRL Headquarters will reopen Tuesday, May 27 at 8 AM (EDT).
We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend!
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Is Columbia University Mishandling LGBT Rape Cases?
“Literally every office that deals with survivors, from the deans themselves to Health Services to advising, every single office is complicit in the discrimination against trans* and queer survivors,” Ridolfi-Starr told The Daily Beast. “We see …
Read more on Daily Beast
Burnley fans celebrate promotion all over the world
Thousands of exiled Burnley fans tuned in via satellite television, radio and the internet to follow the news of their idols' day of destiny. A packed Turf Moor was the focus of their excitement, whatever distance they were away from East Lancashire …
Read more on Lancashire Telegraph Amateurfunkballon der DARC Ortsverbände N28 und N29. Der Ballon wurde Between now and then, well work closely with each citys leaders on a joint planning process that will not only map out a Google network in detail, but also assess what unique local challenges we might face. am 10.03.2012 um 10.30 MEZ vom Flugplatz Borkenberge (…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Ham radio: Old technology gets new respect
Fox News When power, phone and Internet services go down, a battery-powered amateur radio and portable antenna can provide that crucial link to the outside world. “Ham radio will never die,” said Barry Thomas, Sr., a ham radio enthusiast and employee at Emory … |
A special thanks to Jimmy N4YR and all the repeaters owners for your hard work. If we don’t use these repeaters we will lose them. 73’s WD4AM Mike D. McCoy L…
Some cool Ham Radio images:
Image by Nite_Owl
Raspberry PI / HSMM node pictures
Image by jnalexander
Ham radio: Old technology gets new respect
Fox News ATLANTA – Seeking reliable backup communication in a crisis, emergency managers are finding new solutions in an old technology: ham radio. “It's just another avenue, another opportunity for us to be able to communicate,” said Herb Schraufnagel, public … |
Pages Of Interest
- 403 CHEAP DIY Homebrew Wire Antennas for Ham Radio
- Amateur Radio Parity Act – Watch Video And Help Get This Law Passed!
- Attic AMSAT Antenna – Working the Ham Radio Satellites With A Rotatable Computer Controlled Yagi Attic Antenna
- Cheap Computer Controlled TV Rotor for AMSAT Satellites
- CrimperGate – When the Coax Crimper Jaws Won’t Crimp Close – A Mystery
- First Portable Solar Setup For Ham Radio – Bioenno Solar Charge Controller SC-4830JUD and ALLPOWERS 100W Solar Charger AP-SP-012-BLA Portable Solar Panel Kit
- For Sale: NOOELEC RTL-SDR with NOOELEC Ham It Up V1.3 – Includes Metal Enclosure And SDR Connector Cable For SDR.
- Ham Radio Deluxe – Last Free Version Available for Download Here
- Ham Radio RFI – How To Track Down and Find RFI and Noise Affecting Your Ham Station
- Ham Radio Satellite Antenna Dilemma – In Search Of A Solution
- Ham Radio Shack For Sale – Two Yaesu FT-991 / Yaesu ATAS-120a / Heil Pro 7 Headset / LDG Z11 Pro Tuner / Yaesu FH2 – Hamvention Sale!
- Ham Radio Station – Kilo Three Triple R – The K3RRR Anomaly
- K3RRR Tweets – Follow Me At @K3TripleR
- MARC Club Station
- MFJ-1786 Loop Antenna – My Stealth Antenna Installations
- Privacy Policy
- QSL Cards Received
- SDR – Get Maximum Decodes When Your Levels Are Right – Software Defined Radios for Digital Communications
- Signalink and Other USB Digital Interfaces Huge Bug Fix for Amateur Radio Digital Modes
- Technoweenie’s JT-65 HF Presentation – JT65 HF HB9HQX And JT Alerts – Video and PowerPoint
- Terms Of Service
- Update: SignaLink and Other USB Digital Interfaces – Huge Bug + Permanent Fix for Amateur Radio Digital Modes
- Winlink – HF and VHF Radio Email For Emergencies and SHTF
- Wire Antennas – 287 Different Wire Antennas To Choose From
- K3RRR Yaesu ATAS 120a Antenna Mobile / Portable and Fixed Station
- El Cheapo AZ EL Satellite Antenna
- QTH of K3RRR – Potomac Maryland and Washington DC Area
- Fifteen Milliseconds Of Techno-Weenie Fame
- Personal Profile
- QRZ – Contact K3RRR
Recent Posts
- Ham Radio QRN: Have S7 to S9 Noise Problem on HF? Here’s My Solution
- Ham Radio QRN: “The End of Daytime HF?” AMSAT BBS Posting By Robert Bruninga WB4APR
- 20151115_site_visit-8907
- Latest RTTY News
- Latest Amateur Radio News
- Nice Amateur Radio photos
- Nice APRS photos
- Cool Ham Radio images
- Nice Amateur Radio photos
- 671B3621: Sim/KD4REE
- K7FE
- Nice Amateur Radio photos
- Willemstad-6615
- Nice ARRL photos
- Cool Ham Radio images
- 403 CHEAP DIY Homebrew Wire Antennas for Ham Radio
- Amateur Radio Parity Act – Watch Video And Help Get This Law Passed!
- Attic AMSAT Antenna – Working the Ham Radio Satellites With A Rotatable Computer Controlled Yagi Attic Antenna
- Cheap Computer Controlled TV Rotor for AMSAT Satellites
- CrimperGate – When the Coax Crimper Jaws Won’t Crimp Close – A Mystery
- First Portable Solar Setup For Ham Radio – Bioenno Solar Charge Controller SC-4830JUD and ALLPOWERS 100W Solar Charger AP-SP-012-BLA Portable Solar Panel Kit
- For Sale: NOOELEC RTL-SDR with NOOELEC Ham It Up V1.3 – Includes Metal Enclosure And SDR Connector Cable For SDR.
- Ham Radio Deluxe – Last Free Version Available for Download Here
- Ham Radio RFI – How To Track Down and Find RFI and Noise Affecting Your Ham Station
- Ham Radio Satellite Antenna Dilemma – In Search Of A Solution
- Ham Radio Shack For Sale – Two Yaesu FT-991 / Yaesu ATAS-120a / Heil Pro 7 Headset / LDG Z11 Pro Tuner / Yaesu FH2 – Hamvention Sale!
- Ham Radio Station – Kilo Three Triple R – The K3RRR Anomaly
- K3RRR Tweets – Follow Me At @K3TripleR
- MARC Club Station
- MFJ-1786 Loop Antenna – My Stealth Antenna Installations
- Privacy Policy
- QSL Cards Received
- SDR – Get Maximum Decodes When Your Levels Are Right – Software Defined Radios for Digital Communications
- Signalink and Other USB Digital Interfaces Huge Bug Fix for Amateur Radio Digital Modes
- Technoweenie’s JT-65 HF Presentation – JT65 HF HB9HQX And JT Alerts – Video and PowerPoint
- Terms Of Service
- Update: SignaLink and Other USB Digital Interfaces – Huge Bug + Permanent Fix for Amateur Radio Digital Modes
- Winlink – HF and VHF Radio Email For Emergencies and SHTF
- Wire Antennas – 287 Different Wire Antennas To Choose From
- K3RRR Yaesu ATAS 120a Antenna Mobile / Portable and Fixed Station
- El Cheapo AZ EL Satellite Antenna
- QTH of K3RRR – Potomac Maryland and Washington DC Area
- Fifteen Milliseconds Of Techno-Weenie Fame
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- QRZ – Contact K3RRR
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