Archive for month: September, 2013
Handbook On Radio Frequency Interference V1: Fundamentals Of Electromagnetic Interference
In Four Volumes. Volume 1, Fundamentals Of Electromagnetic Interference; Volume 2, Electromagnetic Interference Prediction And Measurement; Volume 3, Methods Of Electromagnetic Interference-Free Design And Interference Suppression; Volume 4, Utilization Of The Electromagnetic Spectrum.
List Price: $ 32.95
Price: [wpramaprice asin=”1258543133″]
[wpramareviews asin=”1258543133″]
Our sun is still very quiet, but solar flux and sunspot numbers were higher this week than last. Average daily sunspot numbers rose from 42.3 to 75.6, and average daily solar flux rose from 95.3 to 109.6. There were no big geomagnetic events this week.
Predicted solar flux is 110 on September 27 through October 2, then 105, 100, 95, 100, 105 and 100 on October 3-8, 95 on October 9-10, then 100, …
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

This is Icom IC-746 in my shack. It is small presentation of this fabulous radio. Enjoy.
The Radio Amateur of Canada (RAC) annual general meeting will take place in Ancaster, Ontario, on October 5, in conjunction with the Hamilton Amateur Radio Club and the Hamilton Amateur Radio Hamfest. The session gets underway at 1 PM in Merritt Hall on the Ancaster Fair Grounds. A question-and-answer session will follow a business meeting, with a chance to discuss the future of RAC with the pr…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
We inadvertently omitted the Maine QSO Party from the Radiosport listing in The ARRL Letter for September 26. Sponsored by the Wireless Society of Southern Maine, the event runs from 0000 UTC to 2359 UTC September 29. Bands and modes include 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10, CW, and phone (SSB, FM, AM). Maine stations exchange signal report and county (16 in all). Others send signal report and state…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

Microwave radiation from mobile phones! The makers say to hold the handset 1.5 inches away from your head or body to avoid cooking your brain / Flesh. This v…
Video Rating: 0 / 5
Radio frequency interference caused by poorly designed electronic ballast in fluorescent Lighting. Testing RFI-EMI radiating from electronic ballast where th…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Upon the Invitation of Qatar Stars League, Mr. Gerald Fritz, we performed the cut version of our new module. It was held last 26th of April in City Center, I…
This is my clan going against some Scrubs called Qsl. We Won 2-0. Check out our clan Channel at
The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Administrative Council (AC) is looking into ways to work with non-IARU Amateur Radio organizations in countries where the IARU member-society may not be representing all of that country’s hams. The issue came under discussion at the annual AC meeting September 21-22 in Cancun, Mexico.
“For example, some do not participate in their regional organizatio…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
This is another video to help you get on six meter. In this video I explain the half wave dipole antenna and show as an example the dipole that I built. A ha…
Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) developer Bob Bruninga, WB4APR, is looking for someone who will build a linear satellite transponder for PSK31.
“If someone will build a linear PSK31 transponder, I have a launch opportunity in 9 months,” Bruninga said in a posting to the AMSAT Bulletin Board. “All it needs to be is a PSK31 linear receiver on 28.120 MHz (3 kHz bandwidth) with AGC coupled …
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
The 2013 running of Scouting’s Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) is less than a month away. The 56th JOTA will take place the weekend of October 19-20, from 0000 local time Saturday to 2400 local time Sunday. JOTA gives members of the Boy Scouts of America a chance to experience Amateur Radio firsthand, perhaps planting the seed for a lifetime of hamming. But this year’s running of the world’s largest…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
PX3 Programmable Headset for Sony PS3
- Featuring a lightweight, circumaural ear cup design with massive 50mm speakers, the PX3 delivers exceptional audio quality and maximum comfort.
- While designed primarily for the PS3, the PX3 also works great as an XBOX and PC gaming headset.
- When used in PS3 and XBOX modes, the PX3’s unique digital signal processor provides game and chat audio presets that tune the headset sound for different gaming situations.
- There’s also a rechargeable battery that provides more than 10 hours of game play between charges.
- Presets can also be replaced with different ones downloaded from the Turtle Beach website.
The Ear Force PX3 headset lets you dominate your competition with digital signal processing, wireless game sound, crystal-clear communication and the convenience of a rechargeable battery. The battery can be charged while gaming, so you’ll never miss out on the action. Includes the PX3 Headset, PX3 Transmitter, Headset Charging Cable, Transmitter USB Cable, RCA Splitter Cable, Xbox 360 Talkback Cable, Reference Card, and User Guide.
List Price: $ 178.94
Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B00F3B0GM8″]
[wpramareviews asin=”B00F3B0GM8″]
World Radiosport Team Championship 2014 (WRTC-2014) organizers have announced the operators (listed below) who have been invited to form teams for the competition to be held in New England during July 2014. In addition to the 51 team leaders who emerged from the qualifying process, the announcement includes two “wild card” selections, a youth team, and the defending champion from WRTC-2010. WRT…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Mike Carroll, N4MC, who operated the “Vanity HQ” website for 14 years before taking it dark earlier this year, says the National Silent Key Archive™ of Amateur Radio Operators that he founded remains up and running.
“The only thing that was carried over from Vanity HQ would be the unique call lookup,” Carroll told ARRL. On the “Tools” menu, click on “Research Hams” to enter a name or a call sig…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
3 Foot antenna on the trunk emits corona discharge. The audio you hear is not bleed over in the camera, its the fire modulating and acting as a speaker.
Поднятие антенны ER6A в “Полевой День 2012”
Video Rating: 5 / 5
The White House has recognized Matt Brisbois, KI6RBS, of Newport Beach, California, as part of its Champions of Change program. The Newport Beach Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program coordinator “has trained and mentored more than 1000 residents, business and community leaders, and educators, resulting in the highest per-capita volunteer-to-resident ratio for CERT programs in all of…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Amateur Radio volunteers assisting with communications in the aftermath of the devastating Colorado flooding came in for high praise recently for their role in helping to safely evacuate youngsters and others from a mountain environmental education center threatened with being cut off by road washouts. In an Op-Ed piece last week in the Longmont Times-Call, Sandra Harem, the executive director …

Here’s how I received VK2JI’s relay of the Sunday broadcast via FreeDV on 7.240MHz this evening.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

This test is rather interesting. My voice sounds worse than my friend’s. — This was just us goofing off at our campus radio station – His voice was fed into…
Even as preparations continue apace for World Radiosport Team Championship 2014 (WRTC-2014) next July in New England, the World Radiosport Team Championship Sanctioning Committee is seeking a sponsor for the 2018 competition.
“Like the International Olympics, it is important to provide continuity for the WRTC program and give the radiosport community as much time as possible to prepare for eac…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
ARRL Laboratory Engineer Bob Allison, WB1GCM, speaks with builders at the Kit Expo in the ARRL booth at the 2010 Dayton Hamvention.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
The Daily DX reports several upcoming opportunities to work some rare and semi-rare DXCC entities in Southeast Asia and the South Pacific this fall. FW5JJ, Wallis and Futuna Islands, will be coming on the air as Jean Jacques, TK5JJ, heads there to live for a couple of years. A start-up date has not been announced, but he plans to be active on all modes and expects to have a 2 meter EME and 6 me…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
OUR COMPANY PSK TECHNOLOGIES is academy of advance hardware & network technology. This academy covers IT related general topics. First time in Nagpur (india)…
The Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) reports that radio amateurs in Australia may win a reprieve for the 2300-2302 MHz amateur band, which is under threat from spectrum licensing.
In February 2013, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), Australia’s equivalent to the FCC, released a discussion paper proposing to withdraw the 2300-2302 MHz amateur allocation so that 2300-24…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Kun je gebruiken voor redstone enz. enz. enz. (Van zelfsprekend)
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Duplexer para VHF/UHF.
Video Rating: 0 / 5
The winner of the September QST Cover plaque award is Bob DeVarney, W1ICW, for his article “Decibels and dBm Demystified.” The QST Cover Plaque Award — given to the author or authors of the most popular article in each issue — is determined by a vote of ARRL members on the QST Cover Plaque Poll web page. Cast a ballot for your favorite article in the October issue today.
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Демонстрация работы согласующего устройства. Часто задаваемый вопрос – какую мощность может пропустить это СУ? Зазоры в применяемых в СУ КПЕ 0,3мм – т.е. про…
The Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) program is hoping its “Ham Video” digital television transmitter, now stowed onboard the International Space Station (ISS), will be installed and commissioned this fall. US Astronaut Mike Hopkins, KF5LJG, who heads into space September 25, is scheduled to handle the tasks involved with getting the S Band Ham Video DATV setup on the ai…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

Video Rating: 5 / 5
QSolar Limited, newly listed on the CNSX, is a leading solar energy company (CNSX: QSL)
Radio amateurs in the United Kingdom have set a new 76 GHz distance record of 102 kilometers (approximately 63.24 miles). The September 14 contact between the team of Chris Towns, G8BKE, and John Hazell, G8ACE, at Batcombe Hill, Dorset (IO80rt59) and Ian Lamb, GW8KQW, in Eglwysilan Mountain, Gwent (IO81io36). This is also believed to be the first 76 GHz contact between England and Wales.
The par…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Check out these QSL images:
QSL Austria 1989
Image by Douglas Coulter
QSL Italy 1989
Image by Douglas Coulter
QSL France 1989
Image by Douglas Coulter
Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, September 17-19, US Army MARS national leadership approved a study of HF transmission methods for use in extreme propagation failures, and it invited nominations for an IT specialist to coordinate such a project. Program Officer Paul English, WD8DBY, who presided, addressed the need for an HF mode capable of high penetration through adverse conditions, such as an ex…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Yaesu FT-101.
Limpieza y mantenimiento (Engrase) a un Rotor para antenas de Radio Aficionado YAESU G2800GXA.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Fred Laun, K3ZO, who manages the NCDXA/ARRL Third Call Area Incoming QSL Bureau, advises operators who routinely send cards “via the bureau” to first check the DX station’s or personal websites first to find out if the DX station replies to cards sent via the bureau.
“Each month our bureau receives hundreds of cards for rare DX stations and DXpeditions who…state that they will not answer…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Jay Oka, JA1TRC, reports that XZ1Z returned to the air a day earlier than expected from Naypyidaw, Myanmar (Burma), the nation’s capital. Two stations are on the air, with Zorro, JH1AJT; Champ, E21EIC; and Ted, JJ1LIB, as operators.
Operation is primarily on CW and focused to the Americas. Wire antennas are in place for 160, 80, 40, 30 and 17, as well as a triband Yagi. Oka says he plans to upda…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Later in the broadcast reception has improved a little.
Paul Chilsen has worked in the film and television business for more than two decades. His career has taken him all over the world and into most aspects of t…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
The FCC has dismissed a Petition for Rulemaking (RM-11699) from a Massachusetts ham, that sought to amend the Part 97 Amateur Service rules to permit the encryption of certain amateur communications during emergency operations or related training exercises. The FCC put the petition filed by Don Rolph, AB1PH, of East Walpole on public notice in June. Rolph requested an additional exception to §9…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Check out these ICOM images:
Ray Novak (N9JA) and Kevin Trotman (N5PRE)
Image by The Rocketeer
Carrying my new HF radio.
Brett is at the Dayton Hamvention
Image by deltaMike
Just proving that Brett was here.
Image by gwendolen
Didnt make it to the SPE Annual Reception? Catch all of the entertainment here.
Video Rating: 0 / 5
Rx degeneration de1103 & 39″ wire thrown in tree in Walden Wood.
Video Rating: 0 / 5
Palomar Engineers President John E. “Jack” Althouse, K6NY, of San Diego, California, died September 15 after suffering a massive stroke. He was 90. With his death, his alter ego “Kurt N. Sterba,” who penned the “Aerials” columns from 1999 until 2012 and authored books on antennas for WorldRadio, also passes into Amateur Radio history.
Palomar Engineers, the Escondido company he operated, may bec…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
8pill Base with internal power supply rated at 200 amps with a 110 plug-in. The amplifier is completely custom with large digital volt meter on front panel, …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Well-known DXer Martti Laine, OH2BH, reports that the first Amateur Radio licensing course in the Republic of Kosovo is nearing its end; passing the license exam will pave the way for Technical University of Pristina students to join the hobby ranks. The course was supported by the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 1, and it used both Croatian and UK course material. Radio equipme…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
The Ten Tec Pegasus does all IF processing and modulation/demodulation processing in the digital domain, by means of an Analog Devices digital signal process…
The votes have been tallied, and Barry Baines, WD4ASW; Tony Monteiro, AA2TX; Alan Biddle, WA4SCA, and Mark Hammond, N8MH, have been elected to the AMSAT-NA Board of Directors. The first alternate is JoAnne Maenpaa, K9JKM, and the second alternate is Steve Coy, K8UD. Frank Griffin, K4FEG, and Bryan Klofas, KF6ZEO, did not attract sufficient votes to become a Board member or alternate. Baines is …
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Friday the 13th came early for cluster balloonist and radio amateur Jonathan Trappe, KJ4GQV, of Raleigh, North Carolina. Trappe’s attempt to cross the Atlantic in a cluster balloon ended the evening of September 12, when he “Landed safe, at an alternate location,” as he put it in a Facebook post. That “alternate location” was in Newfoundland, where he remained for the night.
His lighter-than-ai…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
US Astronaut Chris Cassidy, KF5KDR, and Russian Cosmonaut and Expedition 36 Commander Pavel Vinogradov, RV3BS, came safely back to Earth from the International Space Station September 11 aboard a Soyuz capsule. Cosmonaut and Flight Engineer Alexander Misurkin rounded out the trio that landed in Kazakhstan after 166 days in space.
A day earlier, Vinogradov handed over command of the ISS to anothe…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
We’re going to guess that most D-STAR users only use voice. Low speed data is part of every transmission, but it requires a computer (or maybe a smart phone)…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Wayne S. Green II, W2NSD (“Never Say Die”), of Hancock, New Hampshire, died September 13. He was 91. A well-known and often outspoken figure during what some consider Amateur Radio’s golden years in the 1950s and 1960s, Green helmed CQ Magazine for 5 years before becoming the self-proclaimed “El Supremo and Founder” in 1960 of 73 magazine, which he published until 2003.
“The purpose of [73] at t…
American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
Pages Of Interest
- 403 CHEAP DIY Homebrew Wire Antennas for Ham Radio
- Amateur Radio Parity Act – Watch Video And Help Get This Law Passed!
- Attic AMSAT Antenna – Working the Ham Radio Satellites With A Rotatable Computer Controlled Yagi Attic Antenna
- Cheap Computer Controlled TV Rotor for AMSAT Satellites
- CrimperGate – When the Coax Crimper Jaws Won’t Crimp Close – A Mystery
- First Portable Solar Setup For Ham Radio – Bioenno Solar Charge Controller SC-4830JUD and ALLPOWERS 100W Solar Charger AP-SP-012-BLA Portable Solar Panel Kit
- For Sale: NOOELEC RTL-SDR with NOOELEC Ham It Up V1.3 – Includes Metal Enclosure And SDR Connector Cable For SDR.
- Ham Radio Deluxe – Last Free Version Available for Download Here
- Ham Radio RFI – How To Track Down and Find RFI and Noise Affecting Your Ham Station
- Ham Radio Satellite Antenna Dilemma – In Search Of A Solution
- Ham Radio Shack For Sale – Two Yaesu FT-991 / Yaesu ATAS-120a / Heil Pro 7 Headset / LDG Z11 Pro Tuner / Yaesu FH2 – Hamvention Sale!
- Ham Radio Station – Kilo Three Triple R – The K3RRR Anomaly
- K3RRR Tweets – Follow Me At @K3TripleR
- MARC Club Station
- MFJ-1786 Loop Antenna – My Stealth Antenna Installations
- Privacy Policy
- QSL Cards Received
- SDR – Get Maximum Decodes When Your Levels Are Right – Software Defined Radios for Digital Communications
- Signalink and Other USB Digital Interfaces Huge Bug Fix for Amateur Radio Digital Modes
- Technoweenie’s JT-65 HF Presentation – JT65 HF HB9HQX And JT Alerts – Video and PowerPoint
- Terms Of Service
- Update: SignaLink and Other USB Digital Interfaces – Huge Bug + Permanent Fix for Amateur Radio Digital Modes
- Winlink – HF and VHF Radio Email For Emergencies and SHTF
- Wire Antennas – 287 Different Wire Antennas To Choose From
- K3RRR Yaesu ATAS 120a Antenna Mobile / Portable and Fixed Station
- El Cheapo AZ EL Satellite Antenna
- QTH of K3RRR – Potomac Maryland and Washington DC Area
- Fifteen Milliseconds Of Techno-Weenie Fame
- Personal Profile
- QRZ – Contact K3RRR
Recent Posts
- Ham Radio QRN: Have S7 to S9 Noise Problem on HF? Here’s My Solution
- Ham Radio QRN: “The End of Daytime HF?” AMSAT BBS Posting By Robert Bruninga WB4APR
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- 671B3621: Sim/KD4REE
- K7FE
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- Willemstad-6615
- Nice ARRL photos
- Cool Ham Radio images
- 403 CHEAP DIY Homebrew Wire Antennas for Ham Radio
- Amateur Radio Parity Act – Watch Video And Help Get This Law Passed!
- Attic AMSAT Antenna – Working the Ham Radio Satellites With A Rotatable Computer Controlled Yagi Attic Antenna
- Cheap Computer Controlled TV Rotor for AMSAT Satellites
- CrimperGate – When the Coax Crimper Jaws Won’t Crimp Close – A Mystery
- First Portable Solar Setup For Ham Radio – Bioenno Solar Charge Controller SC-4830JUD and ALLPOWERS 100W Solar Charger AP-SP-012-BLA Portable Solar Panel Kit
- For Sale: NOOELEC RTL-SDR with NOOELEC Ham It Up V1.3 – Includes Metal Enclosure And SDR Connector Cable For SDR.
- Ham Radio Deluxe – Last Free Version Available for Download Here
- Ham Radio RFI – How To Track Down and Find RFI and Noise Affecting Your Ham Station
- Ham Radio Satellite Antenna Dilemma – In Search Of A Solution
- Ham Radio Shack For Sale – Two Yaesu FT-991 / Yaesu ATAS-120a / Heil Pro 7 Headset / LDG Z11 Pro Tuner / Yaesu FH2 – Hamvention Sale!
- Ham Radio Station – Kilo Three Triple R – The K3RRR Anomaly
- K3RRR Tweets – Follow Me At @K3TripleR
- MARC Club Station
- MFJ-1786 Loop Antenna – My Stealth Antenna Installations
- Privacy Policy
- QSL Cards Received
- SDR – Get Maximum Decodes When Your Levels Are Right – Software Defined Radios for Digital Communications
- Signalink and Other USB Digital Interfaces Huge Bug Fix for Amateur Radio Digital Modes
- Technoweenie’s JT-65 HF Presentation – JT65 HF HB9HQX And JT Alerts – Video and PowerPoint
- Terms Of Service
- Update: SignaLink and Other USB Digital Interfaces – Huge Bug + Permanent Fix for Amateur Radio Digital Modes
- Winlink – HF and VHF Radio Email For Emergencies and SHTF
- Wire Antennas – 287 Different Wire Antennas To Choose From
- K3RRR Yaesu ATAS 120a Antenna Mobile / Portable and Fixed Station
- El Cheapo AZ EL Satellite Antenna
- QTH of K3RRR – Potomac Maryland and Washington DC Area
- Fifteen Milliseconds Of Techno-Weenie Fame
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- QRZ – Contact K3RRR
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