Some of the many places I’ve talked to.
As a follow on from my previous video introducing the SDR, here is a collection of various digital modes used by utilities, mariners and amateur radio users. There are various modes such as XSL, TADIL, HFDL, Pactor, CW, HF Fax, Packet, JT, ALE, DRM, RTTY and various OFDM schemes.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Desktop Radio Scanner -Stores up to 200 frequencies
Skywarn function provides storm reports by trained in-the-field spotters in your area
NOAA SAME Weather Alert notifies of sever weather
Clock/Alarm with Backlit LCD display
FM Mode
PC Interface
List Price: $ 99.99
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[wprebay kw=”skywarn” num=”2″ ebcat=”-1″] [wprebay kw=”skywarn” num=”3″ ebcat=”-1″]
Check out these Hamfest images:
Hamfest 2009 – FBT Mixer Pro 64 front panel
Image by Evil Paul
Front of the mixer module – should clean p nicely.
Hamfest 2009 – Italian FBT mixer board and tape echo
Image by Evil Paul
"FBT Mixer Pro 64"
The seller told me that the Italian company that made this are still in business – maybe I can get a schematic.
Here is the Chameleon V1 HF antenna on my car. Talking to South Carolina,1000 miles on 60 watts. I thought it might be to flexible to go mobile with but after reading the manufacturers comment (ChameleonWalker) I shall try it out and highway speeds which are 65-75 mph and see what happens.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
This is a troubleshooting video, I have an FT-450AT displaying a really strange issue. If you know what’s causing it, leave a message in the comments! Thanks!
I start this series by introducing some basics about antennas, antenna tuners, antenna analyzers and noise / interference / QRM / QRN. In this video: I show the setup I’ll be using when I test the reception of the K-PO WR2100. I introduce the Tecsun (Kaito) PL-389MP Short Wave radio and use it to track down the source of my radio interference / noise / QRM. I’ll also chat about radio wave propagation in the next video. Equipment used / mentioned in this video series: * K-Po WR2100 PLL Synthesized World Band Receiver. * Yaesu FT-897 HF/VHF All Mode Transceiver * Yaesu FT-950 HF / 50MHz band All Mode Transceiver * Yaesu VX-6 Submersible Dual-Band FM Transceiver * Yaesu FT-817ND solar powered portable go-pack * Yaesu FRG-7000 Receiver * RigExpert AA-200 Antenna analyzer * Simple wire antenna * Par electronics Par End-Fedz EF-10-20-40 full length half wave dipole * Buddipole™- hf/vhf portable dipole antenna system * MFJ Deluxe Travel Antenna Tuner – MFJ-904H * Amateur Extra HAM radio license – KD8LON
Using a microcontroller, I can key in morse code, and the dits and dahs are automatically recognized and converted into text. For source code and more information, go to www.nerdkits.com
Haruo in Japan on 20 meters. 10 Oct 2006. At about 5:10 in he has comments about the Korean atomic testing.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
CX4BW in Montevideo, Uraguay in SSB DX QSOs with stations in North America during an opening on the 15 Meters Ham Radio band. CX4BW was checking propagation on 15 Meters in preparation for the 2010 CQWW SSB contest. These DX QSOs were recorded at ham radio station WE5I with a Yaesu FT-950 transceiver and a Hustler 4BTV vertical antenna. The distance from WE5I to CX4BW is approximately 5550 miles.
Ham Radio Deluxe v5.1 Release Announcement
HRD Software, LLC Tampa FL, St. Paul MN, Pittsburgh PA – February 8, 2012 HRD Software, LLC announces the release of Ham Radio Deluxe 5.1. This version incorporates fixes and some new features for DXers.
“This is our first release since obtaining the source code about 90 days ago,” said Mike Carper, WA9PIE. “My partner, Rick, W4PC has done an outstanding job at becoming familiar with the code and developing the applications. We were fortunate to have a few key resources like Chuck, K7PT and Terry, G4POP to help us QA the builds as they’re developed.”
The 5.1 release is being made available at no charge to users registered on the HRD website. The focus for this release was a few items from the ToDo list – bug fixes, added rig support, and a few enhancements.
Mike said, “I think we’ve taken a balanced approach to getting something out quickly that satisfies a broad range of needs. I hope hams will enjoy the improvements. Obviously, this is only the beginning. We’ve got big plans and high-expectations for HRD in the future.”
Following the 5.1 release, HRD Software intends to focus on more fixes and significant feature enhancements for v6.x with a target release at the Dayton Hamvention 2012.
HRD Downloads: http://www.ham-radio-deluxe.com/
HRD Forum: http://forums.hrdsoftwarellc.com/
Note from K3RRR: HRD is a fantastic piece of software that I have used for years. If you don’t already have it, download this new version. It may be the last version that is free. For those of you who don’t know, Simon sold the software to HRD Software, LLC of Tampa, Florida who intend to continue its development as a commercial (ie, not free) product. For me, HDR was never free – I contributed via the Donate Button to Simon. So, if the new company provides worthwhile enhancements for a fair price, I may be motivated to purchase the next versions!
HF Digital Voice has been around a while, but it hasn’t really caught on the way D-STAR has on VHF/UHF. That could change with a good, open-source codec – CODEC2 – that’s on its way. In this forum, Mel Whitten K0PFX reviews the various options for HF Digital Voice, from AOR’s hardware modems to the sound-card modes. In our Poster Frame, Mel is joined by CODEC2’s author David Rowe VK5DGR. David had his own talk on CODEC2 at the 2011 DCC (available at www.ARVN.TV), and he also made the keynote talk at the Saturday night banquet, where he spoke about a service project he’s involved in called The Village Telco (and yes, it’s at www.ARVN.TV as well).
Video Rating: 1 / 5
A demonstration of the Emtech ZM-2 Z Match antenna tuner tuning a short end-fed wire on 20m, 40m and 80m.
Nat-Com takes a trip to Timonium, Maryland and the Maryland State Fairgrounds in order to attend the Timonium Hamfest. This amateur radio show is held every spring just outside Baltimore and features all sorts of radio equipment, computers and lots of other things that have noting to do with electronics. Based in two buildings — the Exhibit Hall and Cow Palace, the event is an annual trip for radio enthusiasts across the east coast. Take a look around the 2008 Timonium Hamfest through the view of the Nat-Com camera.
Each letter, number and punctuation character of the “Morse Code”.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Claus DO9BC from JN48QP spot Mike to DX-Cluster (2D0GBM cq cq form Isle of Man) – The pileup is here – 70 QSO at fun from Mike – 73@ all
Video Rating: 0 / 5
visit the MW dx cluster here www.skype.com
Demo of the miniDSP 10×10 plug-in for miniDSP 2×8 and 8×8 platforms.
Video Rating: 0 / 5
This video answers the question – What is the Ronin 802?
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Radioamaterska zveza med Friedrichshafnom in Ilirsko Bistrico na 7 MHz z ravnokar nabavljeno postajo Yaesu FT-857D in motorizirano mobilno anteno Yaesu ATAS-120A. Korenspondenti S56OA – Ognjen in S57UIC – Vili (novi sveži lastnik postaje) v kampu v Friedrichshafnu ter S57F – Dejan v okolici Ilirske Bistrice. Funkcionalni test sta tako radijska postaja, kot tudi antena, uspešno prestali. Sedaj smo v pričakovanju, da bo novopečeni lastnik S57UIC – Vili v bodoče kaj bolj radioaktiven.
A few nice scanner images I found:
Image by mandolux
The above was supposed to be my Michael Phelps desktop but the film scanner went belly up.
Scanner there or not there?
Image by :: Wendy ::
plugging-in the scanner showed this helpful error message ‘no application registered for this event’ – so how do I ‘register and application for this event’? Tell me that your mean teasers. The drivers are updated, the machine is rebooted, what more can I do?
Scanner Experiment
Image by ohhhbetty
So I’ve seen some photos that have been created using a scanner, So I decided to play around & see what happend
I think I might use some in my portfolio, Opinions?
Watch this training video and learn how to shorten your high-performance microcontroller selection process by understanding the performance trade-offs between an ARM Cortex-M3, ARM Cortex-M4, and NXP’s asymmetrical dual-core LPC4300 digital signal controller. Learn the answers to the questions: Can the Cortex-M4 really replace a Digital Signal Processor? When would I choose a Cortex-M3? Is dual-core as complicated as it sounds? This session provides practical advice and comparisons with benchmarks on these topics, as well as a sneak peek into what’s to come. Presented by Gordon Cooper, Product Marketing Manager, NXP Semiconductors, at ARM TechCon 2011.
Video Rating: 0 / 5
just a small clip showing the SX-88 doing SSB with SFO HF ATC on 11282khz..you clearly hear an American Airines pilot, but you can barely hear the ATC he’s in contact with which is SFO because their signal beams up over my head towards the aircraft and my antenna misses it!
Video Rating: 5 / 5
While visiting his grandparents, fourteen year old Oscar finds an old Wireless in the basement. Then, taking an interest in radios, he discovers Amateur Radio and learns about ‘Hams’ using their radios to talk to each other World Wide. The adventure continues when he visits a Solar Powered Ham Radio Station in the Australian Outback.
List Price: $ 15.96
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FTI Towers at tokyo ham fair 2008, these towers are made in the Philippines
Video Rating: 0 / 5
www.kcomm.biz This was the scene at Clay’s W5ZPV house here in San Antonio, Tx as his Cushcraft A3S 3 Element Tri-band Ham Radio Yagi Beam Antenna was put up on the tower..Our crew consisted of my brother Tim KE5CFZ who is the tower monkey, along with myself (behind the camera) & the boss, Craig KB5BI..The beam was tested & all checks were good..73s, Mel, WA5UTK
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Check out these QSL images:
Image by misiek_beauchamp
A Polskie Radio QSL card from the 1980s.
QSL Card 3
Image by 9W2CBL
My QSL Card
“Presents the latest developments in the prgramming and design of programmable digital signal processors (PDSPs) with very-long-instruction word (VLIW) architecture, algorithm formulation and implementation, and modern applications for multimedia processing, communications, and industrial control.”
List Price: $ 226.95
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Wallis and Futuna Islands
A week long side trip will be also organized to Futuna island (IOTA OC-118, DIFO FW-017, WW Loc. AH05WQ) for IOTA hunters early February (approx. 3-10 February) using the callsign TW0F. The team also plans to take part in the ARRL DX CW Contest (18-19 …
Read more on Southgate Amateur Radio Club
It's All About the Guns – Battleship Firepower & Other Programs
Contact for the event is club member and battleship volunteer, Jack Jacobs, who may be reached at 791-1566 or wd4oin@arrl.net. For other club activities aboard visit http://ac4rc.org/default.htm. Interested in more details of the magnificent World War …
Read more on AmmoLand.com (press release)
For our Parachute Mobile PSK-31 Propagation experiment. This will generate a beacon every 40 seconds into either a Small Wonder labs PSK-31 20M or FT-817. Check ParachuteMobile.org or announcements and updates.
Some cool APRS images:
ARI MONZA Associazione Radioamatori Monza
Image by Michele Ficara Manganelli
Sono un radioamatore con patente e Licenza Ministeriale con la sigla IW2NIQ (ex IW2FT
Sono un radioamatore con patente e Licenza Ministeriale con la sigla IW2NIQ (ex IW2FTJ) e questa è una serata in sezione per l’aggiornamento tecnico sull’Aprs con cena finale.
Sono un radioamatore con patente e Licenza Ministeriale con la sigla IW2NIQ (ex IW2FTJ) e questa è una serata in sezione per l’aggiornamento tecnico sull’Aprs con cena finale.
See how I see how fast my network actually is by using speedtest, and task manager in Windows. If you want to benchmark your Internet download and upload speeds, visit speedtest.net . It has a nice online program which tests your download and upload speeds. If your computer is connected to a Router or Switch you can log into your router or switch and view its traffic log to see how many Bytes per second your Network, Wireless Network, and Internet (WAN) is sending and receiving. You need to read your manual to learn how to log in to your router or switch. Resource Monitor, Networking tab in Task Monitor, and Performance Monitor can all be used to measure your Network Performance in Windows 7 and below. They are preinstalled with Windows when you installed Windows on your PC. Resource monitor can also stop process. Networking tab in task monitor just shows you a line graph of the current network activity. Performance monitor can be set up to add a Network Counter which can be displayed as a bar graph, line graph, or Real-time report. If you notice your network is always busy, it may mean you have spyware on your computer which is sending your internet and computer habits to a remote computer. It can also mean someone has been stealing your network connection to do something like sharing files on Bittorrent, p2p file sharing programs, or they are copying your knowledge without your knowledge if your router bytes sent and receive speeds are unusually high when you are doing …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
The Model MR330 series fiber optic position sensor system is my latest innovation.It is an all-optical design immune to any electro-magnetic interference such as lightening, radiation, magnetic fields and other harsh environmental conditions. The fiber optic aspect of the sensor also makes it perfectly suited for long distance position sensing over hundreds of meters without being affected by ground loop problems. This innovative product measures absolute angular position from 0° to 360° with 13-bit (8192 count) resolution at speeds exceeding 2500 rpm and distances up to 300 meters. The sensor modulates the optical signal based on the exact position of the sensor disk. This modulated optical signal is analyzed within the controller and translated into the position signal. Because the sensor is electrically passive it can be deployed in EMI/RFI intense environment without being disturbed by such interference.
Video Rating: 0 / 5
High quality fully tested N-Male to Reverse Polarity SMA Plug cable assemblies featuring high performance 400-Series coax cable. These lightweight cables have excellent low loss characteristics. Not exactly what you are looking for? Build your own cable assembly with our Custom Product Configurator. Not sure what connector your radio has. Use our Radio to Connector-Type Cross-Reference.
List Price: $ 49.99
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Building a radio tower, shot at the end of Dec. and first part of Jan. Intended for the members of the Paul Bunyan Amateur Radio Club. Allow though this tower is not your typical ham tower, the construction method is about the same.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
This is Part 2 of a 3 Part Series covering Installing a Ham Radio Tower. This video covers digging the hole, dropping in the rebar cage and pouring the cement foundation.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
HAMCOM is Texas’ Largest HAMFEST held every June in Plano Texas. This is just a four and a half minute short of over two hours of film I need to finish editing into a video less than ten minutes. Please subscribe to my You Tube channel by clicking that little yellow button. 73 de Jerry KD5OM ese
Lets you interface a USB device to a USB hub, PC or Mac. Features high performance 20-gauge power wires that allow you to maximize the full potential of USB. PRODUCT FEATURES: Fast 480 Mbps transmission speed; High performance 20-gauge power wires; USB logo guarantees that cables are 100% compliant with current USB specifications; Hot Pluggable; Fully compatible with the PC; Molded strain relief and PVC overmolding to ensure a lifetime of error-free data transmissions; Supports up to 127 devices
List Price: $ 19.99
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Repeater coming through during propagation! I take it the rules are a little more relaxed there. (?)
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Check out these Morse Code images:
Morse Code 1
Image by rob the tog
Curved wall, with morse incription. This was done by local sculpter Stephen Broadbent. I won’t spoil it by telling you what it says.
Morse Code
Image by ex.libris
Loved these.
#107- Sensors Locate Radio Interference (w)1
Heed Audio from Hungary makes some great pieces of audio gear. The small great looking black boxes are engineering masterpieces that sound full bodied and alive. The Questar MM uses the exact same MM circuitry from its Quasar big brother (quite more expensive top of the range MM/MC stage), with balanced design and quality components. The internal construction of the QUESTAR meets the most critical high-end standards in every respect. The amplifier employs an entirely dual-mono configuration and uses a two-stage – passive/active – RIAA equalisation. Gain adjustment has been optimised for maximum headroom and highest signal-to-noise ratio. Component parts are selected to exacting tolerances matching those of our flagship Quasar. The QUESTAR are suitable for any line-level amplifier input, and can easily drive virtually any length of interconnect. There is no internal wiring or binding, and all high-current parts of the circuit are shielded. Both models feature gold-plated RCA terminals soldered directly onto the PCB, limiting all signal paths to a bare minimum. The QUESTAR utilise an external wall-wart power supply to avoid undesirable electro-magnetic interference within the chassis. Technical specifications Input: 3 mV/47 kOhm (Questar MM) Frequency range: 20 Hz – 20 kHz/± 0,3 dB Gain: 42 dB (Questar MM) Signal/noise ratio: 82 dB (Questar MM) Headroom: 20 dB (Questar MM) Channel separation: 50 dB (1 kHz) If you’re thinking about getting a Cambridge Audio 640P Stage …
A video I created to help myself learn Morse Code.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Video as seen on BBC about Morse Code, sometimes called CW. Enjoy!
A look around with the Bosque County Amateur Radio Club. W5BCR We can be found on the 147.180 repeater pl tone 123.0
Video Rating: 3 / 5
Held every Spring at the Merchandise Mart in Charlotte, North Carolina, this year’s hamfest was no disappointment. There were both commercial dealers and “flea market” sellers, not to mention the Girl Scouts and their famous cookies. Take a trip around this event with National Communications as we attend the Charlotte Hamfest.
An attempt at using microcontrollers for amateur radio applications. The Freetronics KitTen kit I built came from their stall at the 2012 Melbourne Mini Maker Faire. Microcontroller projects involve software, hardware and the minor miracles that must happen before computers will talk to one another. Hence they have traditionally been for advanced electronic hobbyists and professionals only, because of the many things that can go wrong. Arduino promises to make microcontrollers simple, cheap and accessible. Has it succeeded? Watch this video as I, who has a record of nothing but failure in these things, attempts to get a project going, and then design some of his own. At one point the quest almost got derailed. An account of similar symptoms and the builder giving up was read. However a solution was found and the development could continue. Radio projects featured include a beacon, an automatic CQ caller (configured as a QRPp transmitter) and a foxhunt transmitter, all with their own customised code. I recommend the kit featured ( www.freetronics.com ). It came direct from Freetronics though Jaycar also stock a good range. The January 2012 issue of Silicon Chip magazine has a good beginners’ introduction to Arduino and I suggest also getting this. NOTE: A question that those used to building from scratch will ask is whether you can buy the chip used ( Atmel ATmega328P 28 pin ) seperately, program in this unit and then insert into your own circuit board. You can, but need a …
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Computer hackers reveal plans to send internet into space
They would use existing equipment such as HAM (amateur) radio satellites that work with a worldwide 'supercomputer', known as Constellation. So far, 200 volunteers have signed up to help the project by either building their own ground station or …
Read more on Metro
A look at how my antenna performs on broadcast bands and the 40m amateur band.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B004TD0QUS”]
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Collectors ABC TV show segment featuring QSL cards
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Yaesu VX-8r Radio MARS CAP Modification – Disclaimer,,, it is illegal to transmit on these frequencies with out propper licensing, I dont intend on using them…
This is a Kaito 202L receiver for MW, FM and short wave. I am using a kit built Ten Tec 1050 BFO to add a 455 kHz “beat” signal to copy single side band. The station is New York Radio weather on 6.604 mHz USB
www.cbradiomagazine.com – This is a short video describing the Icom IC-718 Ham radio and how it can be modded for transmit on 11 meters (CB). Please be aware that although it is possible to modify this radio it is illegal to use this radio on 11 meters.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
This is a morning test of the Icom 735 I just got . It’s alignment is not correct and that’s why you see the .2. It’ll shift from about .1 to .3 when heated up. Radio is fine business regardless. Much better than my 718.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Made by NcStar, Material: Heavy Duty Denier nylon, Color: Black, Height: 6″, Width: 3.5″, Weight: 3 ounces, Quick disconnect heavy duty velcro fastener. Internal velcro adjustment system allows you to accommodate the height of the pouch for a custom fit. Bungee cord offers positive retention and allows room for antenna and microphone cables. Includes 2 MOLLE fastener straps on the back which allow this pouch to be quickly attached to any belt up to 3″ wide, tactical vest and is compatible with a
List Price: $ 9.95
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