Why I Do Not like Making So-Called Preppers Radio Communications Videos

You can see from my previous video no matter what I suggest there are a half a dozen people they cannot even pass the technicians radio license test that wan…
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PSK 2013 Promo.

25 replies
  1. BigKeith1100
    BigKeith1100 says:

    dont cut their co ax just stick a needle thru it POOF!! when they key up!
    that how we handled jerk off on CB’s in their car..

  2. feralbigdog
    feralbigdog says:

    id like to add to my own comment now that i had another thought on
    rednecks, its rednecks that drive the trucks that bring the goods we need
    and want, build the houses and apartments we live in, and work the farms
    that produce our food, work on cars and in factories, not a thing wrong
    with rednecks.

  3. Larry Carpenter
    Larry Carpenter says:

    Dave hang in there. You do just fine. I appreciate your down to earth
    attitude and most of all your common sense. Keep making all the videos you
    want !!!!!

  4. Reverend Mark
    Reverend Mark says:

    i have an old heathkit mohican my uncle left to me when he died but dunno
    if that would be sufficient for emergency only just in case communications
    go down just would kinda like to have somthin to put in a faraday cage
    guess somthin is better than nothin though

  5. Davarrylismyname
    Davarrylismyname says:

    Dsarti1, you are 100% incorrect on this. Can you show me where, in the FCC
    rules and regulations, that allows you to criminally trespass on someones
    property and destroy it, because they don’t have a license? What if someone
    did that to you when you first illegally transmitted on a repeater before
    you had a license?

  6. Warphead EGON
    Warphead EGON says:

    I too know enough about HAM radio and the sort to be a major pest. That
    means I know nothing .But, with that said I do realize the need for a good
    radio with long reach capabilities for if for no other reason than to
    monitor what’s happening in the world in a TEOTWAWKI. I currently have a CB
    that I can hardly get any reception let alone a signal out. I have a Public
    freq scanner that picks up pretty good and sometimes listen to the
    authorities while watching David’s farm. JUST KIDDING David…

  7. Jack Wilson
    Jack Wilson says:

    MURS is license by rule same as CB radio you are licensed by rule as long
    as you comply with those rules,granted enforcement is lacking but I will
    have to say GMRS enforcement is picking up lately.Please quit telling
    people to go cut someones coax,no wonder you lost your gun permit in
    Tennessee you are a redneck lunatic,I am a redneck but at least I am not a
    lunatic but at least I amd a licensed ham and licensed GMRS user.

  8. RadioHamPrepper
    RadioHamPrepper says:

    The point of using the MURS frequencies was to find like minded people in
    your IMMEDIATE area in a SHTF.

  9. buzzsah
    buzzsah says:

    I hear you, but I keep trying. I don’t know it all, but what I do know I
    know well and do well. 30+ years Adv.

  10. AXE2501
    AXE2501 says:

    sound like the fox hunt our local operators do a few times a year where
    they track down a rouge transmission some where in a five to ten mile area.

  11. Warphead EGON
    Warphead EGON says:

    We always called them Radidios. I know it ain’t right, we were just kids. I
    see a bunch of links for getting started that I didn’t see before. I’ll
    check on them and start getting my self edumacated. I know, I know. That
    ain’t right either.

  12. Krysta Blade
    Krysta Blade says:

    I know less than zero about radio’s so I best keep it zipped! LOL!! So Mr.
    Dsarti1 I need to know what store you got that hat at??? I must have one!!

  13. twbigdogsgirl
    twbigdogsgirl says:

    I am wanting to upgrade to General, but am having trouble with some of the
    stuff. I need to see if my local “club” has classes to help me understand
    and where I can ask questions. Sometimes that is all it takes with me.

  14. Lansing Allison
    Lansing Allison says:

    And Florida Crackers Dude “Help” the NASA here at the JFK cape LBJ push for
    the Moon Now He was TX Country boy.

  15. rss3781
    rss3781 says:

    A3RPT Plantation, Florida
    Output: 462.625 MHz Tone: 026 DPL
    Input: 467.625 MHz Tone: 026 DPL


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