Standing Wave Resonance in 2-Dimensions somewhat similar to a “Chladni Plate”. The patterns are created by reflected laser light off of stretched vibrating m…

Wave Node WN 2 pilot

This is a pilot, and not yet ready. There will be a voice over added, and some fine tuning. The power used is purely illustrative and in a Dummy Load! (See S…
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23 replies
  1. Peter Wetzler
    Peter Wetzler says:

    Very much confirms what I intuitively sense as a composer about the effects
    of different intervals and pitch classes. Thank you !!!!


    Hello! 🙂 This is just so amazing and i would really like yo do this for my
    science projet but i don’t speak english fully so i’d be really thankful if
    someone could tell me what are the instruments to do this!!! 😀

  3. jmgregory
    jmgregory says:

    Neat stuff! Thanks for finally playing a song at the end (5:15). The
    tritones were getting a little annoying. The shapes around 1:30 reminded me
    of shaped-not solfège. Coincidence?

  4. Alexander Hagen
    Alexander Hagen says:

    What did you use to create the standing waves? I’m trying to re-create this
    experiment but cant find a program or anything to create the consistent
    variable waves that can be easily sent to a speaker via headphone jack. Any
    help would be greatly appreciated!


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