Here is an (obviously) unrehearsed excursion into 10 meter QRP. With about average solar conditions (WWV#’s=104/3/1), I turned the power down to 4 watts on my Elecraft K2 (to tribander @ 36ft), flipped on my web cam and commenced to do a bit of search and pounce during the ARRL 10 meter contest. Starting at the bottom of the band and tuning my way to 28.023, I worked 9 stations in N and S America in about 10 minutes.* NOTE*: As Jorge’s comment points out: I mistakenly gave CW5W’s call as “CW4W” – one of several errors in my video narrations – ’tis one of the drawbacks of posting unedited clips.. I have some nice keying fumbles as well, “WYSIWYG”.