
Pileups on the HF band are “still big and wide,” according to the FT4TA DXpedition team on Tromelin Island in the Indian Ocean. Operators say they’re doing their best to find “the best balance between rate and bandwidth usage;” the sprawling and, many would say, unruly pileups are a result of the “thousands still calling.” Over the November 1-2 weekend, DXers and ARRL November Sweepstakes CW pa…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

The FT4TA DXpedition to Tromelin Island in the Indian Ocean is in its final stages of preparation, and in less than 1 month the six-man team will depart. Operation is scheduled to commence on October 30 and continue until November 10. The DXpedition is the recipient of an ARRL Colvin Award grant.


I and about 10,000 of your ‘best friends’ will be tuned up and listening for you,” Warren Croke, N…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

The Northern California DX Foundation (NCDXF) has announced a $ 25,000 grant to the FT5/T Tromelin Island DXpedition planned for October 3-November 10, 2014. Tromelin is number10 on The DX Magazine’s latest Most Wanted List.

“The team’s antenna plans, pilot feedback plans, and enthusiasm should make this entity available to many DXers,” NCDXF President Glenn Johnson, W0GJ, said in announcing the …

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources