
A few nice Terminal Node Controller images I found:


Image by jonsowman
Inside the Kantronics KPC-3 Terminal Node Controller

Node Under a Rock

Image by nateOne

NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 17 October 2011
[A few weeks ago RPCM A4A_C in the Lab had an RPC (Remote Power Controller) failure. The RPC provides redundant power to ER2 (EXPRESS Rack 2) which powers the Ku-Band Receiver. RPCM A4A_C is one of several RPCMs on a power bus located at the back of
Read more on Space Ref (press release)

US Patents Awarded to Inventors in California (Oct. 13)
By moving the triggering of the storage of the timestamps by the PHY itself, rather than by a monitoring of the traffic between the PHY and the Media Access Controller (MAC), higher accuracy can typically be achieved." The patent application was filed
Read more on TMC Net

NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 29 September 2011
With the Lab camcorder configured to view CIR from the Node-1 side, and after verifying the main & auxiliary RPCs (Remote Power Controllers) to be open and touch temperatures within limits, Mike removed/replaced a manifold bottle on one of four
Read more on Space Ref (press release)

Terminal Node Controller packet modem prescribed by N2RVQ KISS protocol APRS autmatic position/packet reporting system AFSK Audio Frequency Shift Keying MX 614 8 cm x 4.2 cm 30 grams testing with sound generator 17th Dec 2009
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This is a prerlease segments for bastard Sons of Dial-Up – This is a build of the Tiny TNCx Kit, which hooks to a ham radio (or your FRS Radio) that lets you operate digital modes. A Terminal Mode Controller (TNC) is pretty much an old school modem. It turns binary bits of data from a terminal (a computer or PDA) into sound which can then be transmitted over radio waves.
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