
The ARRL Rookie Roundup returns to SSB on Sunday, April 20. The event gets underway at 1800 UTC and continues through 2359 UTC. In the Rookie Roundup, a “Rookie” is any radio amateur licensed within the current calendar year or in the previous two calendar years, regardless of license class. Operators exchange the call sign of the station they’re working plus their own call sign, first name, tw…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

Hamvention Sunday saw the beginning of the exodus from Hara Arena, but for those who remained, there was still a lot to see.

Of course, one of the major attractions was the traditional “last minute bargain.” There were quite a few of these to be had in the fleamarket, but Sunday sales were prominent indoors as well. Early feedback from several vendors indicated that Hamvention 2013 was a success…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

By Ward Silver, N0AX

QST Contributing Editor

Three days in Santa Clara have just vanished in a blur of ham radio happiness. Pacificon attendance was up to about 1600, filling the halls for forums, lectures, browsing, and the occasional airborne affair such as astronauts, ARISS contacts, parachute mobile stations, and of course, Felix Baumgartner’s skydive from 24 miles up on Sunday afternoon put …

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources