
Steve Putman, N8ZR, of Fairborn, Ohio, one of the candidates for the Great Lakes Division Vice Director’s chair, died unexpectedly on October 5. He was 58 and an ARRL Life Member. Balloting is already underway for the Great Lakes Vice Director position, currently held by Tom Delaney, W8WTD, the only other candidate. The ARRL Ethics and Elections Committee has determined that all votes cast by m…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

A familiar DX and contesting call sign has gone quiet. Steve Hodgson, ZC4LI, of Cyprus died August 31 of cancer. He was 69. Hodgson also was on the air over the years as 5B4AHA, C4C, GØLII, G6G and ZD8LII, and was active until a few weeks ago. Adrian, 5B4AIY, called him “an enthusiastic contest operator [who] had won many awards. I’m sure his call will be sorely missed.” Mark, N2QT, said ZC4LI …

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

Steve Powlishen, K1FO, of Madison, Connecticut, passed away July 28 due to complications from cancer. He was 60. An ARRL Life Member, Powlishen was best known for his antenna designs for weak signal work. His company, Lunar-Link Systems — founded by Powlishen in 1994 — manufactured and sold high-performance amplifiers that allowed more amateurs to experience Earth-Moon-Earth (EME), often call…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

After a courageous battle with pancreatic cancer, Steve Mendelsohn, W2ML, of Dumont, New Jersey, passed away May 23. He was 67. An ARRL Life Member, Mendelsohn began his time with ARRL in 1983 when he was elected as Vice Director of the Hudson Division. After two terms as Vice Director, he was elected as Hudson Division Director in 1987. In 1996, the ARRL Board of Directors elected Mendelsohn a…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources