
Status Report – Source: SpaceRef
Ground controller attempts to restart the UPA were unsuccessful. Teams are standing down from running UPA pending troubleshooting and forward plans. Russian Chibis Suit Smoke Event: This morning while performing their Lower Body Negative Pressure …
Read more on Space Ref (press release)

Aluminum capacitor slideshow: Handling heat issues
The following presentation is an excellent technical tutorial given by Vishay Product Marketing engineer, Theo van de Steeg on handling heat issues when working especially with aluminum capacitors. The lifetime of an aluminum electrolytic capacitor …

The ARRL has responded (see attachments below) to an appeal from the Ukrainian Amateur Radio League (UARL) to “consider the information regarding the status of Crimea as temporarily occupied territory.” UARL President Vladimir Grishchenko, UT0FT, told the ARRL on May 3, that Russia’s “illegal annexation” of Crimea “does not change the status of this territory, which legally belongs to Ukraine.”…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

Two past members of the ARRL Foundation Board of Directors have been honored with emeritus status. Named as a Director Emeritus were Thomas W. Comstock, N5TC, who served on the ARRL Foundation Board from 1991 until 2012 and chaired the Scholarship Committee, and Eugene H. Hastings, W1VRK, who served on the ARRL Foundation Board from 1993 until 2014 and was a member of the Scholarship and Propos…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

[VIDEO] Status Bendung Katulampa Masih Siaga III
Status Siaga III ditetapkan setelah ketinggian air di Bendung Katulampa sempat mencapai di atas 120 sentimeter. Namun setelah hujan mulai reda ketinggian air pun berangsur-angsur surut. Longsor di Bogor Utara. Tingginya intensitas hujan di Bogor, …

On Tuesday, November 20, the FCC released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ET Docket No. 12-338) that proposes to amend Parts 1, 2, 74, 78, 87, 90 and 97 of the Commission’s rules. Part 97 governs the Amateur Radio Service. These changes will implement allocation decisions from the 2007 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-07) that concern those portions of the radio frequency spectrum betw…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources