
Radio ham to lose beard
Southgate Amateur Radio Club
An avid amateur radio enthusiast, his call letters include “zzt” at the end. Read the full story at Share this page with your

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Another new Essex Ham Radio club
Southgate Amateur Radio Club
Following the success of a series of weekly 2m simplex nets, a group of amateurs in the Grays Thurrock area met on Tuesday, January 21, 2014 for the first official club night of the Thurrock Acorns Amateur Radio Club. TAARC invited Essex Ham along to

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Ham Radio Now Episode 124
Southgate Amateur Radio Club
Developer Michael Ossmann visited the TAPR/ARRL Digital Communications Conference (DCC) (his first Ham Radio talk) to tell us what the Jawbreaker SDR transceiver is and how it came to be. Watch Episode 124 from the DCC: HackRF – A Low Cost SDR 

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Want to become a ham radio operator?
Southgate Amateur Radio Club
Besides emergency communications, other reasons to become an amateur radio operator range from an interest in electronics to communicating with others around the world or even out in space (many astronauts on the International Space Station are radio 

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uLog – Simple Ham Radio Logger
Southgate Amateur Radio Club
uLog was unveiled at the recent CARS Amateur Radio Skills Workshop. Its 'flexi-input' was of particular interest, as you can type the QSO details into a single box, and the software intelligently works out in which fields to put the information. Find

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RAC Director Election / Appointments
He recently travelled as a team member with call 7P8BG on a DX-Pedition to the Kingdom of Lesotho. RAC Director for Atlantic. Congratulations are extended to Mr. Everett Price, VO1DK who was recently acclaimed as the RAC Director for Atlantic. Mr
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Burkina Faso DXpedition
Activity will be on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. Suggested frequencies are: CW – 1826.5, 3515, 7015, 10115, 14025, 18070, 21025, 24891 and 28025 kHz. SSB – 3760, 7145, 14220, 18145, 21295, 24945 and 28475 kHz. RTTY – 14081 kHz
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Pacific Tour
Activity will be 160-10 meters, mainly CW but with some SSB and RTTY. At both QTHs their vertical antennas will be next to saltwater on a north-facing shore. During the ARRL CW DX Contest they will make a Multi-Single entry from Rotuma as 3D2RX.
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Yasme Excellence Award winners announced
Peter Martinez G3PLX, and Pawel Jalocha SP9VRC, received the award for the development of PSK31, a widely used digital mode entirely invented by amateurs that is enabling many amateurs to successfully use HF with very modest stations.
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DX News — ARRL DX Bulletin #49:
Activity will generally be on the HF bands using SSB and PSK31. QSL direct via CT2BGU. BENIN, TY. Patrice, TY2BP has been active on 20 meter using CW around 1630z. QSL via IK2IQD. MICRONESIA, V6. Haru, JA1XGI plans to be QRV as V63XG from

ARNewsline Report 1842 Nov 30 2012:
He is active on High Frequency bands using SSB and PSK31. If you make contact QSL via CT2GBU or electronically using eQSL. OH0XX is currently active from Contadora Island in the Archipelago Perlas as HP1XX. Bands and modes are not known but if

ATS3B Anagawa Park QRP DX-pedition.

Image by kc7fys

ZL9HR equipment shipped
team down to Campbell Island in the great southern ocean for the activation between November 28th. and December 9th. Please refer to the web site ZL9HR.COM for the full, up to date, information about this major DX'Pedition to the Great Southern Ocean.
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ZL9HR DXpedition to Campbell Island
We'd be remiss if we didn't recognize the New Zealand Department of Conservation for their support of this DX-pedition. The DoC is permitting us to use several of the existing buildings which will provide shelter from the weather which we expect to be
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IOTA News from the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club
If possible they will also try to make some RTTY and PSK31-QSO's. QSL only direct via AJ4RW. On Apr 5û8, Joe,K5KUA/5, will be QRV again from Galveston Island (USi TX001S, Galveston County) mainly in SSB on 80m-10m and maybe also some CW.
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Triathlon DX Contest announcement
Actually, trying here to simulate the original Triathlon athletic event, we involved three major ham radio modes, SSB, CW, RTTY. It will be a 24 hour non-stop event divided in three sections, each one devoted to a different mode.
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