
Check out these software defined radio images:

SoftRock 5.0 Software Defined Radio

Image by The Rocketeer
I got my SDR kit in the mail today from Tony Parks, KB9YIG. I will hopefully soon have a 40 meter receiver plugged into my computer from these tiny bags of parts.

I ordered it at the SDR website.

Here’s a link to some photos of the Finished Product.

Once finished, you plug this into your computer via the sound card and you can tune the band with free software that you use on your computer.

Software Defined Radio (SDR) [1]

Image by gynti_46
Demonstration eines SDR-Empfängers durch DL2HVM.
Im Prinzip nur ein Radio

Wiki :
"Mit dem Begriff Software Defined Radio (SDR) beschreibt man das Bestreben, möglichst die gesamte Signalverarbeitung eines Hochfrequenz-Senders oder -Empfängers mit Hilfe anpassbarer Hardware in Software abzubilden. Im engeren Sinn handelt es sich um ein Funktelekommunikationssystem, das eine software-konfigurierbare Plattform zur Modulation und Demodulation und Aufwärts- bzw. Abwärtsmischung eines Signals benutzt."

By Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU
Contributing Editor

This week, Surfin’ gets its feet wet with SDR by means of a bevy of online SDR receivers.

On the Software-Defined Radio (SDR) front, Tad Cook, K7RA, mentioned PA3FWM’s WebSDR in the K7RA Solar Update on April 13 and I mentioned it here back in June 2008. It is worth repeating because it is a very valuable online resource and it has expanded greatly since…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

Tucson Amateur Packet Radio (TAPR) announces the opening of the “interest list” for the openHPSDR Hermes single-board Software Defined Radio. The Hermes interest list is used by TAPR to determine the number of Hermes boards to manufacture in the pending initial production run this spring.

Hermes is a long-awaited addition to the openHPSDR project lineup, advancing through four prototypes while e…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources