
The Amateur Radio payload in the Manfred Memorial Moon Mission (4M) lunar flyby experiment has gone silent, but the spacecraft itself will likely be in Earth orbit for some time to come.

“It is there for some thousands years, I think, but it might also be ejected in heliocentric orbit if it passes close to the Moon, which is what some simulations show,” said Ghislain Ruy, LX2RG, of Luxspace (LSE…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

Mike Carroll, N4MC, who operated the “Vanity HQ” website for 14 years before taking it dark earlier this year, says the National Silent Key Archive of Amateur Radio Operators that he founded remains up and running.

“The only thing that was carried over from Vanity HQ would be the unique call lookup,” Carroll told ARRL. On the “Tools” menu, click on “Research Hams” to enter a name or a call sig…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

The radio interference from Silent hill 2.

September 11th 2001 Second Plane Crash WCBS Dub4 23.
Video Rating: 5 / 5


The holder of one of the best-known US Amateur Radio call signs, Frederick (Fred) Maia, W5YI, died of cancer Wednesday, March 28. He was 76 and was a resident of Arlington, Texas.

Fred was a leading Amateur Radio journalist for nearly 35 years and a pioneer of the volunteer examining program adopted by the FCC in 1984.

Maia published “The W5YI Report,” dubbed “America’s Oldest Ham Radio Newslett…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources