
Ham radio is not the primary reason Ron Flick, K6REF, is in Antarctica, but it’s proving to be an enjoyable diversion to his scientific activities at McMurdo Station and the Ross Ice Shelf. He’s put a few hundred contacts in the log since arriving late last month from California. Flick, an oceanographer with the California Department of Parks and Recreation, Division of Boating and Waterways, a…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

this was taken before a nice shefl cloud and massive rain and cloud to ground lighting hit Huntley,McHerny,co,IL. This was filmed with HP 3100 720p HD dash cam and radio your listening to is a corba Lx29 with weather scan! anyway enjoy everyone!!

Video of stormchasing heavy thunderstorms, one supercell, two MCS, with a lot of lightning bolts, two shelf clouds, one very very close hit. Krakow and Pcim – 15/16 August 2010. Film made by MDGN Stormchasers group: MDGN, PawcioKrk, SebastianxD5, Gielciu
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