
Amateur Radio volunteers activated on opposite ends of the US late last week and over the weekend as separate hurricanes struck Bermuda and Hawaii. Both regions were prepared and fared well with no deaths, serious injuries, or major property damage reported.

Hurricane Gonzalo

Hurricane Gonzalo, the stronger of the two storms, was a Category 3 hurricane when it made a near-direct hit on Bermuda on…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

While best known for its efforts to aid voyagers on the high seas, the Maritime Mobile Service Network (MMSN) occasionally helps out in land-based emergencies too. That was the case recently when MMSN net control stations received distress calls regarding motor vehicle incidents in Nevada and Texas. On July 24, MMSN Net Control Station Ken Porter, AC0ML, was notified by HF mobile operator Georg…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources