
NXP RFID PCB Antenna Designer

Learn more or try it free UHF antenna design is more complex than a typical HF antenna design and needs an expert u…

The FCC has dismissed without prejudice a Petition for Rule Making (RM-11651) by Lockheed Martin that would have amended the Commission’s Part 15 rules to expand deployment of the company’s radio frequency identification (RFID) system in the 433 MHz band (433.5-434.5 MHz). Lockheed Martin sold its RFID business 2 years ago, but the company only this month requested that the Petition be withdraw…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

Smirnoff Parties With RFID
The solution, provided by Fish Technology, was managed by Blondefish, a London-based RFID and social-media firm that helps brands promote and organize events via the use of RFID tags and readers, as well as social links and digital media. Blondefish
Read more on RFID Journal

Fujitsu introduces new FRAM-based device for radio frequency ID applications
In addition to its wireless HF interface, the dual-interface MB89R112 incorporates a wired serial interface (SPI) for microcontroller connectivity. Supplying more available data on RFID tags enables efficient Examples include facilitating wireless
Read more on Phys.Org

Get In on the VHF Fun in the 2012 ARRL September VHF QSO Party
With many HF radios now offering at least 6 meter SSB/CW capabilities — and some offering 2 meters and 70 cm as well — any amateur with a Technician class license or higher can experience long-haul communication on the VHF bands.” Kutzko explained
Read more on ARRL

超高頻電子標籤天線設計可透過本量測系統快速得知是否與RFID IC之阻抗形成共軛匹配,及驗證測試標籤工作頻率和讀距是否符合設計規格。
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