
A Communications Law and Regulatory Update seminar will be among the program offerings Thursday, July 17, at the ARRL Centennial National Convention in Hartford, Connecticut. ARRL General Counsel Chris Imlay, W3KD, and San Francisco Section Government Liaison (and Volunteer Counsel) Bart Lee, K6VK, will be the presenters. The ARRL National Legal Seminar will take place from 11 AM until 4:30 PM …

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

The ARRL Executive Committee (EC) will face an agenda heavy on FCC and regulatory issues when it meets Saturday, October 5 in the Denver, Colorado, area.

Among action items, the EC is expected to consider the filing of a Petition for Rule Making, now in draft, seeking to delete restrictions on symbol rates for data communication and to establish a 2.8 kHz maximum authorized bandwidth for HF dig…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

The ARRL Executive Committee (EC) held its first 2013 meeting Saturday, March 9 in Irving, Texas. The meeting’s agenda included items concerning the FCC and regulatory items, FCC enforcement, legislative issues and organizational matters.

FCC and Regulatory Matters

  • Amateur Radio Enforcement: General Counsel Imlay pointed out that since the EC’s September 2012 meeting, there has been “encouraging…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

The ARRL Executive Committee (EC) held its second 2012 meeting Saturday, September 29 in Denver, Colorado. The EC is responsible for administering the League’s affairs in between Board meetings. It consists of the President (Kay Craigie, N3KN), five Directors elected annually by the Board, and — without vote — the First Vice President (Rick Roderick, K5UR) and Chief Executive Officer (David S…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources