How to receive and decode PSK and digi modes with out a rig! A live recording of Anthony EI2KC making only his second ever digital QSO on 50 Mhz (6 metres).
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psk31 qso with UT3WW (Ukraine) using 1 watt on 17 meters Rig is the FT857D and antenna is a G5RV up about 20 feet above the roof here.
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PSK31 QSO to UN8FE @ 14.070 MHz.
Live video of part of a QSO on 40m using just 10 Watts at each end 100% copy over distances of c.1000Km is normal. First the complete GUI with the Multi QSO …
Procedura di regolazione livelli audio per emissione in Psk31 e successiva verifica su Perseus del livello IMD di terz’ordine.
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Check out these Psk31 images:
Image by T-A-S
Image by T-A-S
Image by T-A-S
QSO de NP3QL Y KP4DQC en 10 metros. Comunicación en modo digital PSK31.
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A simple easy way to work the world without a lot of power or fancy specialized equipment.
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W1AW Download Ham Radio Deluxe Digital Master 780 here:
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PSK31 14.0700mhz.
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PSK 31 QSO with China using DM780 and 75 watts.
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A short video on how to use a Heath SB1400 HF radio on PSK31 digital mode.
Randy, KA0AZS, is making PSK31 contacts using the club callsign of the West Central Ohio Amateur Radio Association (WCOARA), WC8OH. The radio is a Kenwood TS…
Tutorial sulle trasmissioni digitali (parte prima)
Open Ukraine RTTY Championship Contest.
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Rocky software decoding BPSK31 on 40m from Sofrock TX/RX v6.1. Improved video quality.
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PSK31 QSO between myself (W3MAT) and Giorgio (IB1BXN) on December 6, 2012 Please forgive the quality of the video, as I am still learning. I am using FLDigi software, Icom 746PRO (40 watts), Hy-Power OCF-80 antenna, and SignaLink USB Interface.
En esta oportunidad se demuestra como conectar una notebook a través del puerto USB a un Kenwood TS140S para hacer modos digitales, se incluyen diagramas de circuitos y demás particularidades. A último momento modifique el ckt del cable interfaz entre el 140 y la notebook, agregándole una resistencia de 47K en serie entre el pin 3 de la DIN 13 y la conexión de la resistencia de 4K7 en el tip del plug de RX, formando así un divisor resistivo. De esta manera se pudo controlar mejor el nivel de entrada de micrófono de la notebook. Lo interesante de esto es que todo se puede alimentar con 12V y hacer un sistema portable…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
PSK31 contact from Southern California, to Australia over 8000 miles away… WOW! 73, Jim using a 40m loop horizontal delta config about 6 feet in the air and a AG6IF Talented Balun 2.5 to 1
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Check out these Psk31 images:
Image by T-A-S
Image by T-A-S
Image by T-A-S
73 from Jim, AG6IF. This is a quick psk31 QSO between southern California and Alabama..about 1800 miles on 40meters, 7.035MHZ upper sideband USB. I am using only 1 watt of RF energy..yes, only 1 watt, this is sometimes called QRP. Using an FT-847 Yaesu radio with Donner Interface, with a RG8X about 100 foot coax, to a 2.5 to 1 talented Balun, to a 40m loop suspended only 6 feet in the air. My station is running Solar powered, using 12 volt AGM battery technology to keep her up and running all night.
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The Cheltenham Amateur Radio Association – Presents – A bite-size Video On… PSK31 Keyboard-to-keyboard Communication
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Yasme Excellence Award winners announced
Peter Martinez G3PLX, and Pawel Jalocha SP9VRC, received the award for the development of PSK31, a widely used digital mode entirely invented by amateurs that is enabling many amateurs to successfully use HF with very modest stations.
Read more on Southgate Amateur Radio Club
DX News — ARRL DX Bulletin #49:
Activity will generally be on the HF bands using SSB and PSK31. QSL direct via CT2BGU. BENIN, TY. Patrice, TY2BP has been active on 20 meter using CW around 1630z. QSL via IK2IQD. MICRONESIA, V6. Haru, JA1XGI plans to be QRV as V63XG from …
ARNewsline Report 1842 Nov 30 2012:
He is active on High Frequency bands using SSB and PSK31. If you make contact QSL via CT2GBU or electronically using eQSL. OH0XX is currently active from Contadora Island in the Archipelago Perlas as HP1XX. Bands and modes are not known but if …
Showing FLDIGI in Linux, using Yaesu ft-847, Donner Interface cable, 20 meter psk31 short qso contact from California to Ukraine almost 6200 miles away from me. Using a 40m Horizontal delta loop, about 10 feet high. (131 feet long). Using a homebrew aircore Balun which is about 2.5 to 1. and about 70 watts of power. Thanks to the great videos by K7AGE on how to get started with PSK31.. I loved the simple microphone receive only video that he did…Nice!! Easily understood, easily duplicated and certainly made me want to work this mode and transmit too! I have had many contacts on 5 watts, normally I start low and work up..but in this case, to get a video in 1 shot, I cranked up to about 70 watts, however, it most likely wasn’t necessary to be that high…just an fyi I have been ‘cross the ocean on 10 watts many times when the bands are open. Yes, you can hear my cat in the background…I guess he thinks I am talking to him..LOL 73 from AG6IF
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Prove di TRX in PSK31, freq. 14070 Mhz USB, antenna verticale 10, potenza 40 watt.
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Decoding PSK31 signals with DM780 and my Icom IC-7000
A brief overview of how to work digital amateur radio
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Roger PY2RGR na parte final do encontro promovido na LABRE-SP cujo tema foi PSK-31, neste trecho foi abordada a construção caseira de interfaces para esta modalidade digital usando material de sucata.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Today I was monitoring PSK31 on HF. First you see my FT817 tuned on 2 meter repeater in Zaandam. With my FT-450 I tuned on 15 meter and 17 meter. I heard PE4BAS in qso with a TF3 station. I am using HDR DM780 v4
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A short recording of PSK31. Software used: DM780, part of Ham Radio Deluxe (free).
Recieving SSTV on 20meters band Yaesu FT-857D DM780 HRD v5.0 Beta
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Seems like Ham Radio is making a huge resurgence since all the scientific and religious apocalyptic predictions keep gaining strength and awareness.
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WPARC Sponsored video featured at May 2008 club meeting of setting up and controlling your radio via the internet. To find out mo WPARC Sponsored video featured at May 2008 club meeting of setting up and controlling your radio via the internet. To find out more about the Western Placer Amateur Radio Club go to
Digital modes heard on the 11 meter freeband.
I just got PSK31 working with my radio, and made a very inexpensive “interface” if you can even call it that. I worked a couple stations tonight, and this is a video of the one I managed to get recorded on air. Made contact with VE6VIS. Disclaimer, this is probably one of the more boring, and long videos I’ve made.
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HM QRP SSB TRX for 80m band, Rybakov antenna, fldigi software.
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14069 kHz USB 0731 PSK31 digimode. SP9OHY from Poland. Distance 1684 kilometers.
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PSK31 med HRD Digital master 780
Just a little video I took of my FT-817 receiving PSK-31 signals from 14.070.15. Also showing it running totally on battery power. Near the end you can hear some of the actual PSK-31 signals.
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I did this a while ago, but thought if might be worth uploading. Digipan I think goes back to at least Windows 98 days! Still works great on Windows 7!
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Use to recieve PSK31 with digipan. Make sure the waterfall drive on digipan is set for stereo mix.
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A short PSK31 QSO demo using MIxW.
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I/LA8OKA in PSK-31 QSO with DK6WH on 20 m from the harbour of Genova. Equipment: Yaesu FT-817 Elecraft T1 autotuner Buddistick MicroHAM USB Interface III
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Effective today, US amateurs have new privileges on the 60 meter band. In addition to an increase in effective radiated power from 50 to 100 W, hams can now transmit CW and PSK31 on the following channel-center frequencies:
Channel 1: 5332.0 kHz
Channel 2: 5348.0 kHz
Channel 3: 5358.5 kHz
Channel 4: 5373.0 kHz
Channel 5: 5405.0 kHz
Amateurs can also transmit Upper Sideband voice and PACTOR III on the following suppressed carrier frequencies (the frequencies typically shown on transceiver displays):
Channel 1: 5330.5 kHz
Channel 2: 5346.5 kHz
Channel 3: 5357.0 kHz
Channel 4: 5371.5 kHz
Channel 5: 5403.5 kHz
For more information, download 60-Meter Operations – New Privileges and Recommended Practices. Also, a revised ARRL band chart is available for download.
Watch for the article “New Privileges on 60 Meters” by ARRL Regulatory Information Manager Dan Henderson, N1ND, later this month in the April issue of QST magazine.
psk31 is like being with 20 or so in a hall…everybody whispers..when you go to a person you can whisper back and understand each other…..on the other hand, if one of them starts to shout,….. all the others cant’t hear each other no more ……….output volume way to high…..
I thought have some fun with the FT817ND, lots of contacts around the globe, much more than i’d imagined.
They will also be in the NAQP RTTY Contest (February 25-26th) and the CQWW 160m SSB Contest (February 24-26th). They also plan to be om 160/80/40/ 20/15/10 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and possibly PSK31. QSL direct to address for K6PV.
Read more on Southgate Amateur Radio Club
I got a request about a introduction into using PSK31, well i intend to do just that! More info to follow!
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Sprzęt – styczeń 2012
Na rynku pojawił się uniwersalny interfejs USB do emisji cyfrowych TRX-komputer (RTTY, PSK31, SSTV, FAX). Jest to sprzętowy interfejs USB z separatorem, służący do połączenia transceivera i komputera. Połączenie transceivera bezpośrednio do komputera …
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DX News — ARRL DX Bulletin #47:
The ARRL SSB Sweepstakes Contest, ARRL EME Contest, North America Collegiate ARC SSB Championship, RSGB 2nd 1.8 MHz CW Contest, QRP CW Fox Hunt, NCCC Sprint, YO International PSK31 80-Meter Contest, SARL Field Day Contest, LZ DX Contest, …
UK ham to activate Myanmar (Burma)
It is reported that UK radio amateur Simon Luttrell, HS0ZIB/G6JFY will be operating from Myanmar using PSK31. The Daily DX is reporting that Simon Luttrell, HS0ZIB/G6JFY, has been granted an “invitation” from senior officials within the Myanmar …
Read more on Southgate Amateur Radio Club
Od redakcji
Jak wiadomo, system ten pozwala na równoległe przesyłanie krótkich komunikatów tekstowych, współrzędnych GPS, a także na prowadzenie łączności pisemnych w stylu Packet-Radio czy PSK31. Autor opisuje wiele przydatnych programów przeznaczonych do …
Read more on Świat Radio
Here’s the QSO I had with New Zealand in PSK-31 with ZL2AO… almost 20000Kms…. with my vertical antenna HY-GAIN AV-640
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Check out these Psk31 images:
Cristina y Carlos
Image by José Antonio Carretero
23 de mayo 2009.
Activación de la estación EH1OLA en San Esteban de las Cruces. Oviedo. Asturias
Cristina y Carlos.
Ya le daré a EB1EOZ el DVD con las fotos.
Arizona Centennial Special Event
Operations will be on all amateur bands (160-2 meters); and will be using CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK31 and Satellite modes. This CADXA special event operation has proudly received recognition from the 2012 Arizona Centennial Foundation as a sanctioned "Special …
Read more on Southgate Amateur Radio Club
19 Feb 2011 Seminar given by Kristen K6WX about the research and development of her iPad PSK-31 application. Amateur Radio Technology Day, Foothills Amateur Radio Society Stanford Linear Accelerator “SLAC National Laboratory”
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DX News — ARRL DX Bulletin #45:
Activity is on the HF bands using CW and PSK31. QSL direct to home call. SOUTH COOK ISLANDS, E5. Operator N7OU will be QRV as E51NOU from Manihiki, IOTA OC-014, from November 8 to 22. Activity will be on 80 to 10 meters using only CW. QSL to home call. …
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