
En este video explico como se configura el PSK31 Deluxe y como hacer un QSO en PSK . Este video esta dentro del CD que suelo mandar de regalo a las personas que me compran una interface CAT o modem (RS232 o USB) . Para mas información visiten mi WEB:

Video Rating: 0 / 5

En este video explico como se configura el PSK31 Deluxe y como hacer un QSO en PSK . Este video esta dentro del CD que suelo mandar de regalo a las personas que me compran una interface CAT o modem (RS232 o USB) . Para mas información visiten mi WEB:

Got my FT-450 setup for Digital modes with a Donner’s interface. it all seems to be hooked up normally.. PPT The radio.. send the audio.. but I dont show up anywhere on the reception map.. and no one returns the CQ’s.. Stumped!
Video Rating: 3 / 5

This video show how handy it is to work PSK-31 on an iphone/ipod using RDP remote control. This is using an RDP program on the iphone to remotely control the computer in the shack which is running Ham Radio Deluxe 5. In my case the shack is in a building not connected to the house, so this is a really handy way to work digital modes such as PSK or RTTY anywhere in the house via wifi to the shack laptop. The combination of pskreporter displaying perfectly on the iphone browser, and using hrd remotely makes PSK easy to work from any chair in the house. The RDP client I used for the iphone is called Jaadu RDP, but there are others available.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

A few nice PSK-31 images I found:

The radios

Image by randyrat
This is the right side of the desk – my operating position. All the radios (except the Century 21) are powered with solar. As soon as I figure out how, the Century 21 will be also. The pedastal the power strip is mounted on contains the batteries.

Ham Radio Station KB2PSM Robert

Image by Whiskeygonebad
Ham Station KB2PSM Robert at the his old station setup – about 6 years ago. Yes: He’s a two-scope ham for sure. Nice to have to adjust one’s psk-31 signal.

2010 ARRL Technical Excellence Award Winners Announced:
His involvement in Amateur Radio has gone through several phases: homebuilt QRP, amateur satellites, early computer-based digital modes (PSK31, MSFK, etc), and occasional contesting.

IOTA News from the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club
QSL via DL2VFR (bureau/direct). EU-042, DL, Schleswig-Holstein State North West group: German HAMs announced to become active from Hallig Hooge (Ockenswarft,DLFF-013) signing DK0RZ and DL0DFF in SSB/CW/PSK31 on the HF bands from Oct 5-8.
Read more on Southgate Amateur Radio Club

DX News from the ARRL
Activity is on 20 and 17 meters using SSB with some RTTY and PSK31. QSL to YB9WZJ. North American RTTY Sprint, YLRL DX/NA YL Anniversary Contest, SARL 80-Meter SSB QSO Party, NCCC Sprint, Makrothen RTTY Contest, Oceania DX CW Contest,
Read more on Southgate Amateur Radio Club