
Several CubeSats carrying Amateur Radio payloads are set to launch during June. These include two FUNcube projects.

FUNcube-3, the transponder-only payload on the QB50 precursor CubeSat, QB50P1, is scheduled for launch on June 19 from Russia, at a tentative launch time of 1911 UTC. Initial beacon signals from the main transceiver are expected to be AX.25 1200 bps BPSK packets on 145.815 MHz. FUN…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

SDJ pick of the month at QSL.

Each month SDJ will pick some products from the QSL Sound and Lighting shop to be pick of that month. This month is November 2012. Visit the website at http:…
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الجولة الخامسه من دوري نجوم قطر 2013/2014 .. السد يفوز على قطر برباعيه نظيفة احرزها المهدي علي و دوغلاس بالخطأ في مرماه وحسن الهيدوس وخلفان ابراهيم.

During December several European countries will promote ham radio to youth as part of a Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) event, on all bands and modes. Stations will be on the air with “YOTA” as a call sign suffix or appendage.

“The idea for this is to break the ice for some youngsters,” said Bjorn Dettmaring, ON5CFG. “This is not a contest but a shout out to the world of ham radio. Try to get as m…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

The ARRL Executive Committee will meet Saturday, March 9 in Irving, Texas. See the link below for the meeting’s agenda.

ARRL President Kay Craigie, N3KN, serves as Chairman of the Executive Committee. Five Division Directors who are elected by the ARRL Board of Directors are also on the committee: Northwestern Division Director Jim Fenstermaker, K9JF; Central Division Director Dick Isely, W9GIG;…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

Beginning Sunday, January 27, it will cost more to mail first class letters, postcards and packages within the US. The cost to mail a first class letter will be 46 cents, while the cost to mail a postcard will be 33 cents, an increase of 1 cent for each; this is the third increase for postcard postage in less than two years. This month, the USPS will also introduce a First Class Mail Global For…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources