
This ham radio coil-loaded 40 and 80 meter inverted V dipole HF wire antenna is easy to build! Loading coils make this antenna a full size on 40 meters and a…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Doublet aerials for HF amateur ham radio and broadcast bands. A dipole fed with 300 ohm feeder can be used on all short wave bands. If you don’t have Google+…
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INVERTED V {Mark 2 version

Cut this at 18 ft x 2 for 11 metres , total disaster trying to tune ,back to old faithful soon.

Louis Varney G5RV talks to the NARC Part 1 12 Sept 1990 video from Mike G4DYC, converted to MP4 by Robert G4TUK. Remote Antenna Tuner MFJ-998 to 165′ End Fed Wire.

How to build and tune a 40 meter Inverted V wire dipole HF antenna.
Video Rating: 4 / 5