
Sina Grace & Michael Stock Talk Penny Dora and the Wishing Box
It was a story that she read on my radio show, and I got all these calls about it. Every once in awhile I still get calls about it from various listeners, because it certainly had that Twilight Zone ending, even though at age eight she'd never seen The …

Crunch Time: Letters Urging House Members to Support HR 4969 Due at
Constituent letters urging members of the US House of Representatives to co-sponsor H.R. 4969, the Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2014, need to arrive at ARRL Headquarters by Friday, September 12, for forwarding to Congress. ARRL Regulatory Information …
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Behind Every Good Whisky Is A Trusty Distillery Cat
He just showed up one day, presumably from one of the neighboring farms and fields. "He never met a person he didn't like," says Morris. "He'd walk right up to you and rub against your legs and follow you around. I always said he was more ham than cat.".
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This is a video of one of are engineers Dan putting up Antron A99 18 ft HF omni-directional antenna on a 20ft pole1 The Aerial Man offers the best service an…
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Some tips for the lightweight QRPer.