The Yaesu FT-100D built on this success of the widely acclaimed FT-100, adding the convenience of factory installed modules for the ham on the go. The FT-100D is a miniature mobile transceiver that provides coverage of the 160 to 6 meter bands plus the 144 MHz and 430 MHz bands! The ultra-compact FT-100D has an easy-to-read LCD display. This radio combines a unique, user-friendly front panel with high-tech features like DSP to provide performance well above many base stations. And look at the receive coverage: 0.1-76, 108-174 and 420-512 MHz. Refinements include: IF shift, IF NB, dual VFO’s, keyer, 300 memories and CTCSS. Plus you get DSP bandpass filter, notch filter, noise reduction and equalizer. There are dual SO-239 antenna inputs.