
In the June 2008 issue of CQ Magazine, I wrote about the difficulties of getting on 6 meters while living with covenant restrictions (CC&R) prohibiting antennas.1 I concocted a way to overcome these restrictions and, with considerable effort, was able to erect an antenna in the tight confines of my attic, 35 feet above the ground. Now, with many years of 6 meter activity in my log, I wanted to …

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

By Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU
Contributing Editor

This week, Surfin’ adds an antenna “booster” and an iPhone to the AM DXing tool kit.

I received two tech gifts during the holidays: a C. Crane Twin Coil Ferrite AM Antenna Signal Booster and an iPhone 5. I am very pleased with both gifts and thank my family (you know who you are) for their generosity.

The C. Crane Twin Coil Ferrite AM Antenna Signal Boos…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

In just over 2 years of being a ham, the one thing I’ve found that I can do for hours on end without getting bored is DXing.

I’ve found that some hams think DXing is too hard, QSLing too expensive or that they don’t have the right equipment. DXing is something that everyone can enjoy and nobody says that you have to QSL to be a DXer. Some DXers I’ve spoken with have logged over 200 countries but…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources